Women's Internationals (Women's Asia Cup 2024 19 Jul - 28 Jul)

You are talking like Harman Preet kaur- losses vs Bangladesh haven't been a result of poor pitches and umpires entirely. The team lacks the belief and ability to even stand tall and perform. Look at the last 4 homes series - sheer abomination that the girls haven't been able to win a single series.

The aim should be for a side to progress- if we are content with the ceiling figures there's no future. I guess everyone knows that these girls can't win and hence we have started rolling out free entry so that they feel wanted.

While you conveniently steerer the conversation towards me wanting them to win trophies- the reality is far starker; they need to start competing first before they can even dream of trophies. Out dated styles of play, getting beaten black and blue - even minnows would perform 100x better than the Indian women(we can surely agree they get better funding than their minnow counterparts)
The only thing I will side with @icyman is that the girls are equally paid last I heard, they too should be held at same standards as the men team.
They get to play in overseas leagues, the men don't.
Men get double the IPL opportunities with 10 teams instead of 5.

Highest paid WPL player earns 3.4 CR. Do you wanna know how many men's players earned more than that last season?

59. And that's only local Indian players
Damn I didn't knew each team in every overseas league had 6 Indian players!

That's where the question of skills come into question. They are empathetic, that's why they are allowed by the BCCI to play. If they don't get a team, that's cause of their own inabilities.
Men get double the IPL opportunities with 10 teams instead of 5.

Highest paid WPL player earns 3.4 CR. Do you wanna know how many men's players earned more than that last season?

59. And that's only local Indian players
Multiply that by the many women's leagues in the world, they get slightly more opportunities. Now as I mentioned above if they can't get a contract that's on them.

As for WPL- vs IPL, how many times have you compared Mens Vs Women's 100/BBL? Easy to target India, ehh?
Am I targeting India or did I join in this conversation that was already about India
It's easy to blame India for many members on the forum. What people fail to see is this disparity exists in other countries as well.

The conversation was about how Indian women are incapable of stringing together worthy performances despite having access to much better facilities than most of their counterparts.
It's easy to blame India for many members on the forum. What people fail to see is this disparity exists in other countries as well.

The conversation was about how Indian women are incapable of stringing together worthy performances despite having access to much better facilities than most of their counterparts.

Except… who are these counterparts? We won the series against Bangladesh. Stating that the whole thing was shoddily organised and dubiously officiated is not excuses when it’s the truth. I pointed out an example of arguably the greatest cricket team ever failing win more than one game across two test series at their peak against a team that was nowhere near as good, that’s how much things can be affected.

We’re not the counterparts of Australia or England in women’s cricket or even New Zealand and South Africa who have better cricket pathways and an established setup. We’ve had consistent support staff problems, delays in paying the players and years of neglect. One year of the WPL, a new head coach, increased attention and equal match fees isn’t going to turn them into the Aussie team, that will take time. Some of the teams in the WPL were playing Indian players who did not bat or bowl at all, that’s the current level we are at. They don’t have to be at this level always but it’ll take time for these things to change. I’m not sure why you fail to understand this if you’ve watched India through the late 80s and 90s.
Tbh the WPL should make things better. Two uncapped indians made it big in the auction yesterday. Teams are focusing on uncapped Indian women youngsters with talent and the scouting also begins. That will get India also better players like Men's IPL. We never had that before the WPL. Saika Ishaque made it to ICT in no time after MI unearthed a gem in her. Plus Australia has had WBBL for ages. And WBBL has as much teams as the BBL so obviously talent comes in fast. WPL is just half of IPL but it should still improve things.
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Men get double the IPL opportunities with 10 teams instead of 5.

Highest paid WPL player earns 3.4 CR. Do you wanna know how many men's players earned more than that last season?

59. And that's only local Indian players
Better than the Women T20 Challenge which started with 2 and then expanded to 3 teams. It can't grow immediately. Women's cricket has been given much less focus here, but it has started to be given importance. Soon we may get more teams. About the money part, Idk what to say , but with the league being nowhere as cash rewarding and rich as IPL, it obviously won't have similar prices and salaries. But I cant comment on whether the salaries are fairly priced
We’re not the counterparts of Australia or England in women’s cricket or even New Zealand and South Africa who have better cricket pathways and an established setup
So you want to spend an eternity being compared to Nepal? Probably they've got better female cricketers. As an example,just look at Thailand. Guess whatever I say won't have an impact on you anyway. To be honest, if not for the free entry, hardly 100 would have turned up for the current T20. Anyhow, youve still not spoken about the 'being competitive 'factor. Losses aren't the concern, not turning up and getting blasted is the problem here.
So you want to spend an eternity being compared to Nepal? Probably they've got better female cricketers. As an example,just look at Thailand. Guess whatever I say won't have an impact on you anyway. To be honest, if not for the free entry, hardly 100 would have turned up for the current T20. Anyhow, youve still not spoken about the 'being competitive 'factor. Losses aren't the concern, not turning up and getting blasted is the problem here.

Ah yes, we’re the equivalent of Nepal (who also happen to have better cricketers apparently and yet they’re only as good as us?) because we’re not as good as countries that have run their teams far better. There’s only these two states in cricket. Good to see that you’re always capable of resorting to hyperbole and cherrypicking parts of someone’s posts to weave something new because you can’t really respond to things in context.

And yes we’ve lost the series poorly. We also won an ODI series against this same side 3-0 a year ago which you conveniently keep forgetting.

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