Wrestling thread

Various sources...the results came from my brain, some bits from WWE.com and others from various wrestling forums! Why, whats wrong with it?
Just about Finlay and Jeff Hardy, id love to hear the news on others
Tell me what you want to know and i'll find out for you!
Find stuff out about him! and when the undertaker returns and what feud will begin when he does
The Undertaker is set to return sooner rather than later...maybe sometime around Survivor Series, which will mark 17 years of dominance for the Deadman. He is expected to fued with Mark Henry firstly, who "injured" him, and then he will probably go after the title again, winning it and finally getting the long title reign he was supposed to have.
Heres a picture I took of when the WWE came to Perth last Sunday

The Undertaker is set to return sooner rather than later...maybe sometime around Survivor Series, which will mark 17 years of dominance for the Deadman. He is expected to fued with Mark Henry firstly, who "injured" him, and then he will probably go after the title again, winning it and finally getting the long title reign he was supposed to have.

Survivor Series? What I heard was 5 months from July, So beginning of 2008 for me

More news for you all:

WrestleMporium said:
More injury news for WWE...

Santino Marella appeared to be injured during his match with Umaga at the RAW house show in Wheeling, West Virginia last night. Marella took a bad bump on his right shoulder after a release tilt a whirl slam. The ref made the X sign to the back. They went home quick after that. Several refs and a trainer came out to check on him. He eventually walked off on his own power. He was moving the lower part of his arm.
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undertaker is on the unforgiven promotional poster look he might be returning earlier than what you think


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