Wrestling thread

WWE is not as exciting as it was few years ago. i loved the 90s era. guys like steve austin, mankind, undertaker, kane and the rock always thrilled me. the rivalries between undertaker and mankind, steve austin and vince mcmahon, the rock and triple h was awesome. one of my all time favorite matches was the "hell in a cell" match between undertaker and mankind in 1998. i still have it in my hard disk! and the 6-man "hell in a cell" at armageddon in 2000 which was won by kurt angle and involved austin, triple h, undertaker, the rock and kane. as far as i am concerned steve austin, triple h, the rock and the undertaker revolutionised WWE and were responsible for WCW to go outta business.
Guys i use to love WWE .. but as i havent seen it for about 5-6 months .. just seen it today on SS ( skySports ) and Death of Eddie Guererro

some kind of joke or what ??? .....

thanz if some1 could tell me or "UPDATE" me with it....
Read some previous messages in this thread about Eddie Guerrero.

McMahon announced a new drug policy. Surprised to see WWE wasn't that strict before. Also Eugene's going to the hospital has something to do with it.
ZexyZahid said:
Read some previous messages in this thread about Eddie Guerrero.

McMahon announced a new drug policy. Surprised to see WWE wasn't that strict before. Also Eugene's going to the hospital has something to do with it.
A couple of WWE wrestlers are clearly on steroids, so this is probably a publicity stunt.
andrew_nixon said:
A couple of WWE wrestlers are clearly on steroids, so this is probably a publicity stunt.
No it is not a stunt. Read the following :

Credit: WWE.com:

Last week in Manchester, England, Nick ?Eugene? Dinsmore was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital after he was found passed out in a hotel lobby.

After regaining consciousness, Dinsmore admitting to taking Somas and other prescription medication. As a result of the incident, he was sent home from the WWE International tour and suspended indefinitely.

Since returning home, Dinsmore has agreed to seek professional help. He flew to an undisclosed location, where he will spend the next two weeks being evaluated at a drug rehabilitation facility.

He has also been suspended for a short while
Testing for steroids is a stunt. A couple of wrestlers with the WWE are clearly on steroids, and if the WWE didn't know, they must wear blindfolds.
I can't see how the WWE wouldn't know about it. They would have drug tests done before signing a wrestler up and then follow ups.
aussie1st said:
I can't see how the WWE wouldn't know about it. They would have drug tests done before signing a wrestler up and then follow ups.
I dont think wwe would care about these drugs.
Personally I don't expect much of this. This is just a countermeasure about what's happening lately. Hard words, but in the end nothing will change.
Which team will win at Survivor Series, Team Raw or Team Smackdown? My pick would be team raw because they have more experience and power. And the phenom, The Undertaker makes his return to WWE.i think Taker might interfere in the Raw vs Smackdown match. Kurt Angle will win this time, Cena has held the title for too long now. Will Triple H continue his losing streak with Ric Flair. i think Flair is too old to be the "last man standing".
I think Deadman wil interface in Raw vs. Smackdown Match , to beat Randy Orton
OOh I am boring of their fight (Orton vs. Taker)
I really want Team RAW to win as i am a huge fan of RAW.
I want Angle to win over Cena.
Triple H to win.
Bischoff to win.
Not bothered about the womens match they take up time where a real match could be happening !
And im not bothered about Booker T and Benoit.

But i have noticed that for some time now that Faces have been winning such as Ric Flair and John Cena.
Were just going to have to see :mad
there was no need of a seven-match series between Booker T and Benoit! its ridiculous. an Iron man match would have been better. by the way goldust and vader disappeared after showing up at Taboo Tuesday?

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