Wrestling thread

The Taker is back at last. The Orton vs Taker rivalry will continue again. Lets see how this story line pans out.
Sman-21 said:
Anyone remember Test
Provides an interesting read here http://www.pwtorch.com/artman/publish/article_15375.shtml

I still cant believe the lies Vince made up about THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR in the dvd about him they just released.
He was my favourite wrestler and still is.

The way vince treats people who cross him is disgusting
From what I've heard it's not all lies.

By most reports, The Ultimate Warrior, aside from having the dubious distinction of being an even worse wrestler than Hulk Hogan, was a complete and utter prick.

In his wrestling career he was known for arriving late at, and even missing, shows. His limited wrestling ability was legendary. The storylines he wrote for himself in WCW were full of even more plot holes than a normal pro wrestling storyline, and a trapdoor he had put in the ring for a storyline feature ended up giving a serious injury to the British Bulldog.

Since then he has become a right wing bigot, who as well as being an incredible homophobe, is also no friend of the disabled. He's even further to the right than Bush.
andrew_nixon said:
being an incredible homophobe, is also no friend of the disabled.

Wow really? If thats true then that's going to change the way i look at Ultimate Warrior
aussie1st said:
The Taker is back at last. The Orton vs Taker rivalry will continue again. Lets see how this story line pans out.

the rivalry continues between the Undertaker and Randy Orton. i wonder how it'll come to an end, probably a "Hell in a Cell" match would suffice. last week the deadman was almost burnt alive by Orton. what condition is the Undertaker in? what'll happen next week?
Tonight the Boogeyman will debut:


Just reading that Boogeyman's entrance was good. And during the match he ate some worms. :eek: Something to watch for the USA viewers.

And check out this news:

Saturday Night's Main Event returns in March

I wonder if it will be old recaps or new shows.
They won't fire him that easy. You could say he saved WWE a bit when he entered the scene. WWE was really down at that time. Somehow I like him. What's the reason of the 'firing' actually?
ZexyZahid said:
They won't fire him that easy. You could say he saved WWE a bit when he entered the scene. WWE was really down at that time. Somehow I like him. What's the reason of the 'firing' actually?
Storyline reason: Not reaching goals he sets himself.

Real-life reason: He's not been fired and still does exactly the same job he's always done at WWE.

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