Wrestling thread

wwe is going from poor to worst i really dont like the time wasting stories like mcmahon.
What????is this true?? or just a fake storyline....is this getting funny to tell people that WWE superstars are dying one by one(90% fake),but....is this true????
No he didn't he died on August 13 2007.

On August 13, 2007, Adams was found by his wife unconscious in bed and not breathing. His wife then dialed 911. When paramedics arrived they could not revive Adams. He was pronounced dead of an undetermined cause. Police note "there were no visible signs of injury." An autopsy is scheduled for August 14, 2007.

EDIT: Yes, Mike Lockwood died on November 6th 2003, your post wasnt there when i posted so it looks like i am disagreeing with you.

On November 6, 2003, at wrestler Steven Richards' house, Lockwood choked to death on his own vomit after ingesting 90 painkiller pills. He was 32 years old. He is survived by his brother John, his wife, Christeena and his daughter Patricia. In August 2005, Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly) released an autobiographical DVD entitled "Nora Greenwald: Shootin' the Shi Crap", and a portion of the profits from the sale of the DVD went to Mike Lockwood's daughter's education fund
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What????is this true?? or just a fake storyline....is this getting funny to tell people that WWE superstars are dying one by one(90% fake),but....is this true????

To clear up any confusion the only fake death was that of Vince McMahon in the limo explosion, although it was portrayed as real within the confines of kayfabe.

As far as I am aware all other wrestlers who have been announced as having passed away are 100% true. It is because of this high number of sudden deaths at relatively young ages (coupled with the apparent abuse of steroids) that the media is taking a strong interest and reporting each incidence.

If you search google for internet wrestling sites then you'll find more information, although I'll give you one to start with - Lords of Pain. Check near the bottom of the first page for articles on various topics within the professional wrestling world.
man lots of wrestlers are dying and sorry for my last post I didn't know whice Wrestler you was talking about :)
lol well lets conentrate on the positives in wrestling like the great performers i cant wait for cena vs. orton do u fink it will be a gd match
Yes and it looks as though Orton will win, and then be in a fued with Cena for several months. Originally Triple H was booked to go after the title, but now he will apparently fued with Mr Kennedy due to this illegitimate son storyline.

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