Wrestling thread

Smackdown's on tonight isn't there supposed to be Kane vs Khali for the title! Well anyway that's what i heard i'll just check up on it do you guys know about it?

Its not for the title. But Khali is against Kane. I won't reveal the result though.
Smackdown results...

*WWE United States champion MVP comes out and says that he won;t be cleared to box this Saturday on Main Event, but he wants to talk to Matt Hardy. Hardy comes out and MVP challenges him to take the Masterlock Challenge. Chris Masters comes out. Hardy nearly breaks it but MVP kicks him and lays him out.

*Backstage, Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman arrive, seeking Vince's illegitimate child.

*WWE Tag Team champions Deuce and Domino defeat The Major Brothers.

Backstage, Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman meet with Teddy Long and Kristal Marshall. The Great Khali bursts in protesting that he has a match with Kane later. Coachman reminds Vince of "that time in India" and Vince wonders if Khali could be his son.

*Finlay vs. Jamie Noble is a no contest when Kane hits the ring.

*Chavo Guerrero pinned Shannon Moore.

*Batista comes out and discusses what The Great Khali did to Ric Flair last week. Khali appears on the Titantron. Batista promises to take the World title at Summerslam.

*Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman are discussing that anyone could be Vince's son and that it could be The Great Khali or Batista. Big Dick Johnson shows up dressed like a baby and starts dancing.

*Mark Henry defeated unidentified wrestler (It was East Coast indy wrestler Plazma, who worked for Jersey All Pro, among other groups). After the match, Henry takes the mic and says he's not scared of the Undertaker. The lights go out and Undertaker's gong strikes as his music plays. The lights go on and Henry goes to the back but mysteriously there is sand everywhere as he walks to the back.

*Backstage, Kristal Marshall asks Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool to be her bridesmaids in her wedding to Teddy Long. Victoria walks by with Kenny Dykstra and agrees to be one as well. Kristal says she's picked her bridesmaids. Victoria slaps McCool. McCool slaps Kenny then fights with Victoria. Teddy Long sets up a match between the two.

*Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman are walking in the back and encounter Jimmy Wang Yang and Funaki. He wonders if one of them are his son. Kane shows up from behind and says, "Hello, Dad."

*Victoria defeated Michelle McCool after Kenny Dykstra interfered.

*WWE World champion The Great Khali defeated Kane. Finlay interfered. Batista makes the save but gets caught by Khali's claw.

*WWE re-taped the women's bout, this time with Michelle McCool defeating Victoria.

Show over.

source wrestlezone.
I wish I was :p

I'm just trying to spread the word and get people watching it. Thats all TNA needs at this stage, more publicity.

So remember, Bravo 2 at 10:30am weekdays or 10:00pm saturdays ;)

EDIT: 5pm today as well, there is an Impact on and then you can watch the Hard Justice PPV which is the most recent one. No paying for TNA's PPVs!
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I wish I was :p

I'm just trying to spread the word and get people watching it. Thats all TNA needs at this stage, more publicity.

So remember, Bravo 2 at 10:30am weekdays or 10:00pm saturdays ;)

EDIT: 5pm today as well, there is an Impact on and then you can watch the Hard Justice PPV which is the most recent one. No paying for TNA's PPVs!

Great stuff. Haven't been able to watch TNA in some time, so I'll make sure to tune in. I watched Victory Road- Samoa Joe is ace. :)
It may be called the WWE Thread, but it is really a general wrestling thread.

In fact I am going to rename it
i have watched TNA recently and i find it as good as WWE i really think both companies are good in their own way and bad in their own way their are many positive and negatives in both
So what matches will be on show tonight at the great american bash?

Will it be...

.John Cena v Randy Orton
.The Great Khali v Batista
.Boogeyman and CM Punk will face ECW Champion John Morrison and Big Daddy V
.Evander Hoyfeild(stepping in for MVP) v Matt Hardy

Is Umaga in action?
I rarely watch wrestling these days but when I do, it's WWE. I absolutely loved WWF in the days of 2000/2001/2002 but haven't watched it regulary since then. Particulary in the calender year if 2000 when The Rock had a feud with Triple H (the Backlash of that year was my favourite PPV ever) The Hardyz, The Dudleys and Edge & Cristian were always at each other's throats, Kurt Angle was sane, Undertaker was a bad ass, Kane had a mask, and Shane McMahon fell of 70ft things. I just find it all a bit tacky these days so i'll only watch it when there's nothing else on. When I do watch it, i'm not bothered about the quality of the wrestling, i'm bothered about the show they put on. It baffles me when I see some of you lot saying a certain wrestler is better than another but surely if it's all scripted anyway it doesn't really matter? That's not a mock btw, it is something that genuinely baffles me.

I don't like TNA, never have and never will. It just looks too amateurish and WWE is a class above it.

Why did I rant like this you ask? Because i'm bored and I can type.

Oh, and Booker T is the worst wrestler I have ever seen.
So what matches will be on show tonight at the great american bash?

Will it be...

.John Cena v Randy Orton
.The Great Khali v Batista
.Boogeyman and CM Punk will face ECW Champion John Morrison and Big Daddy V
.Evander Hoyfeild(stepping in for MVP) v Matt Hardy

Is Umaga in action?

That's actually the card for SNME, which was taped before last weeks RAW.
I rarely watch wrestling these days but when I do, it's WWE. I absolutely loved WWF in the days of 2000/2001/2002 but haven't watched it regulary since then. Particulary in the calender year if 2000 when The Rock had a feud with Triple H (the Backlash of that year was my favourite PPV ever) The Hardyz, The Dudleys and Edge & Cristian were always at each other's throats, Kurt Angle was sane, Undertaker was a bad ass, Kane had a mask, and Shane McMahon fell of 70ft things. I just find it all a bit tacky these days so i'll only watch it when there's nothing else on. When I do watch it, i'm not bothered about the quality of the wrestling, i'm bothered about the show they put on. It baffles me when I see some of you lot saying a certain wrestler is better than another but surely if it's all scripted anyway it doesn't really matter? That's not a mock btw, it is something that genuinely baffles me.

The difference in skill is in the amount and skill of the moves they can perform, how well they can "sell" the other mans attacks (make it look like it hurts) and the way they perform moves. Someone like The Great Khali can do very few moves and makes them look bad when he does, so he is a bad wrestler. A WWE example of a good wrestler is Edge, who can do a huge number of moves and can make other people look good

I don't like TNA, never have and never will. It just looks too amateurish and WWE is a class above it.

Why did I rant like this you ask? Because i'm bored and I can type.

Oh, and Booker T is the worst wrestler I have ever seen.

As much as it is your opinion, I disagree with it. As said before, the wrestlers are talented. You may say they look amateur, but I really dont see what you mean by that. They are in a much smaller arena than WWE use, which could be what you mean. The production of it is definitely not amateur, they really know how to put together video packages and angles. I much prefer it for the lack of soap opera to it
Yeah the size is probably it. It's no doubt a superficial reason, but i'm not a wrestling enthusiast so on the odd occasion that I do watch wrestling I watch it for the show, rather than the actual skill of the wrestling. I can see why a wrestling enthusiast will like it, but it's just not for an occasional fan like me.

So would Booker T be classed as a bad wrestler then? Because I certainly don't find him very good and this whole King Booker thing is embarassing.
So would Booker T be classed as a bad wrestler then? Because I certainly don't find him very good and this whole King Booker thing is embarassing.

Booker T is good when he has the motivation, if that makes sense. I love the King Booker thing, it's a great character, and the way he completely drops the act when he's angry is just priceless.
I dont like the King Booker bit, although it has given him the platform to become a world champion. He is a good wrestler though, great in WCW and now good in WWE. Although I do think the King gimmick has taken away from that skill

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