Wrestling thread

I stopped a while back too, wasn't as much fun as it used to be during the Attitude era.
aussie1st said:
Haven't watched it in ages, when you know the title won't be lost on SD or Raw it just gets boring.
A few years back Titles used to change hands on every WWE show and infact the Superstars have lost Titles the very next day. For eg. Kane lost to Stone Cold the very next day after he won it at King of the Ring 1998. Also Undertaker lost it two days after he won it in a re-match agaist Hulk Hogan in 1991. Now a days these things dont happen. its so boring!!!
Yep you know that when a rematch happens the chances of the wrestler losing the belt straight after are slim to none
Even the matches on both Raw and Smackdown have become so predictable that you can almost correctly guess the next move after having seen one. For e.g: I have observed many times that when referree gets knocked out, some kind of cheating always happens...
The Rock is Finally back to the smackdownnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....................

haha.... :cool: just for fun/joke!!!!! :)
Ive seen him chewing them but then i just see them dribble out of his mouth, havent noticed him swallow them.
Yep seen fear factor so wouldnt surprise me if he eats them but since it is the wwe im sceptical.

Really find wrestling boring now.
Since the split its gone downhill and gets worse every year.
So predictable and the matches are the same every week.
Benoit slaps someone around for a little while,then his opponent starts to get on top and looking good for the victory but then all of a sudden crippler crossface match over every single time.
Same with Cena comes out firing takes the upperhand,then his opponent takes upperhand then cena again and takes the win.

The only ones that put on good unpredictable shows are HHH,Undertaker and HBK.
Even the storylines and dialogues of superstars are poor now.... Only some superstars like HHH, HBK, etc. have some good dialogues, else Cena and others cannot create much excitement neighter with their dialogues nor storylines...
yeah, King of the King actually paved way the for the likes of Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle.. Instead of having Bad Blood and Judgment Day.. King of the Ring should be held as a joint production of Raw and Smackdown during May or June...
And why have the fans started "booing" Cena?
I agree with you andrew nixon.I suggest its better for John Cena to retire and continue his work on stupid raps.
:cheesy :cheesy :cheesy :laugh :laugh :laugh :D :D :D
Gotta admit i liked Cena when he first came in and his rap trash talk.
But that stopped ages ago and sine then ive hated him, he cant wrestle at all.
His finisher move FU is one of the first (pickup) moves that you learn in wrestling school just with a tiny modification.
He has no ability in the ring at all.
They wanted him to be the Rock's replacement and were doing a good job when he first came to wwe which made him so popular.
But now that hes run out of smart ass rap lines all anyone sees is his poor wrestling skills.
I really hoped wrestelmania was going to be the end of Cena as champ.

Angle is a great champ.

Still hate benoit.

Like RVD but hate all that money in the bank rubbish.

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