Wrestling thread

well i wanted wwe to buy wrestlers like Ajstyles, Samaojoe, e.t.c frpm Tna to make wwe moe better. What you guys say about this?
Slavery was abolished some time back(:p) ... so WWE cannot buy those wrestlers but can certainly hire them provided they're not on contract with TNA and are willing to work with the E. Its a matter of time before Styles lands in WWE IMO. And that would be retro cool.
faraz haider said:
well i wanted wwe to buy wrestlers like Ajstyles, Samaojoe, e.t.c frpm Tna to make wwe moe better. What you guys say about this?
Yeah I agree also Stone Cold,The Rock,Brock Lesner and Goldberg should come back without them WWE is nothing.
Goldberg is absolutely pathetic, can't wrestle to save his life.
I don't really know why Goldberg and Lesnar left WWE. I had actually stopped watching WWE during that time....
gold639 said:
Goldberg is absolutely pathetic, can't wrestle to save his life.
You should see the match that got William Regal fired from WCW. He was wrestling Goldberg on Nitro and refused to sell any of Goldbergs moves, turned it into a real fight for a while, and was easily outwrestling Goldberg for real.
hahaha serves him jolly well right considering he hardly ever sells and is so damned stiff~! (remember that he knocked Bret Hart on the head leading to a major concussion? )
ritwik said:
hahaha serves him jolly well right considering he hardly ever sells and is so damned stiff~! (remember that he knocked Bret Hart on the head leading to a major concussion? )
That ended Bret Hart's career, and was what led to his stroke, which he's only just recovered from.
yep I know that. Pity it was too. A guy like Goldberg can't wrestle to save his ass and then hurts someone who actually knows how to go in the wrong.
faraz haider said:
well i wanted wwe to buy wrestlers like Ajstyles, Samaojoe, e.t.c frpm Tna to make wwe moe better. What you guys say about this?
Styles and Samoa can add new dimension to cruiserweights.Two more tag teams of TNA look very impressive-The Naturals and AMW.WWE must buy them as well.We are not seeing great tag teams in WWE these days,except a few like MNM. :eek:
faraz haider said:
hey guys have you seen a big guy on smackdown, what a built he got?
The guy who attacked Undertaker? That would be Dalip "Giant" Singh. More than 7 feet tall. He's from India if anyones interested.
andrew_nixon said:
The guy who attacked Undertaker? That would be Dalip "Giant" Singh. More than 7 feet tall. He's from India if anyones interested.
Is he in WWE? :eek:

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