Wrestling thread

uh oh ... can't agree with that. Wrestling wise there are a lot of wrestlers in WWE better than Triple H (Benoit, Michaels spring to mind. Flair and Austin were way better in their prime than trips was in his). But having said that Triple H does make for a good total package considering his charisma, mic skills and acting abilities(and of course his intensity).

Kurt Angle is probably the best American technician at the moment ( and has been for the last couple of years if not more). But he's naturally going downhill ,since he's hit the wrong side of 35.
Turbanation said:
Triple H and Kurt Angle are the best wrestlers in WWE.

I think you are referring to current WWE, because there would be many all-time wrestlers, which can be considered way better than Triple H and Kurt Angle :)
Im pretty sure he means currently the best guys in wwe worth watching are HHH and Angle.
Not the best technically or best ever.
Even then Triple H can't be considered to be one of the best wrestlers. There's quite a few better than him wrestling currently, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels have already been mentioned, there's also William Regal, Shelton Benjamin and Rob Van Dam. Ric Flair and Finlay are also still pretty good considering their advanced age.
andrew_nixon said:
Even then Triple H can't be considered to be one of the best wrestlers. There's quite a few better than him wrestling currently, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit and Shawn Michaels have already been mentioned, there's also William Regal, Shelton Benjamin and Rob Van Dam. Ric Flair and Finlay are also still pretty good considering their advanced age.
I cannot agree with you that Regal is a good wrestler.I think you forgot to mention the names of Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton.Kane may be rated as a descent wrestler.
Well you dont really know who the better wrestlers are, unless you see them in an actual match. Kurt Angle definately is good, since he is an Olympic Gold Medalist.

But the WWE isnt just about wrestling alone. Its like a movie, where the wrestlers have to draw the attention of the crowd. Triple H does an excellent job, even though he plays the part of the villain. John Cena is good as well. I used to like The Rock, but he really got boring towards the end.
Regal is(actually was) in fact a good wrestler - see some of his 1993-94 matches with WWF and WCW as "steven regal" (iirc).

Well you dont really know who the better wrestlers are, unless you see them in an actual match

Not true. I would assume by an "actual match" you mean a legitimate(or "shoot") fight ? These guys are mostly "pro" wrestlers, which means they don't fight actually and their fans know that the fights are scripted (or atleast the result is decided beforehand). But by good wrestlers we mean those who have the ability to hold a match together well (psychology) and who can work a realistic enough style without resorting either to too many "breathtaking moves" (spots) or just plain wild weapon based brawling.

I cannot agree with you that Regal is a good wrestler.I think you forgot to mention the names of Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton.Kane may be rated as a descent wrestler.
Rey mysterio undoubtedly is good, infact a great wrestler. Really knows the psychology behind working a great match. Kane is pretty good for his size, but was a lot better a few years ago.

The less said about Blandy Orton the better.
Nobody mentioned the Undertaker here.. surprising! He's certainly a Phenom.. even after 16 years in wwe he's still as good as he was or even better. He had so many rivalries with the likes of Austin, Mankind, Shawn Michaels, Kane and Vince McMahon. His three year stint as an American badass instead of Deadman gimmick was also good. I wonder when he'll call it a day( i think he's 44 yrs old now). Before he retires he'll become a WWE champion atleast one more time i guess.
Whatever be it for retirement, I don't think his wrestlemania record will be broken, which is certainly one of the unique records.... :)
well i really dont like like undertaker now a days, i wanted him to lost in wrestlemania casket match but he didnot. currently just love to see cena boooo on wrestlemania and on raw.
The Undertaker was once upon a time a halfway decent wrestler but is now just old and should seriously consider retirement. Nobody can deny his tremendous popularity though and it has to be said that he plays the "undead" character rather well.
I think that WWE and pro-wrestling in general seems to be recovering from a rather bad slump of the last two years. That can perhaps be attributed to the fact that the shows have got much better and the threat of TNA is looming large atleast in America.

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