Wrestling thread

well jbl has been forced to quit smackdown , may be he be the next Gm of raw or we have not heared from coach might be he will be a new Gm.
JBL is a good bet, I believe he is injured at the moment.

So Ted Dibiase wasn't that far off, seen as JBL is a poorly done version of Dibiase's character.
RAW SPOILER - highlight text below for it

Kane faces Shelton Benjamin for the IC title and was dominating somewhat...

Mask appears on screen, Kanes old music hits and an old kane comes out and chokeslams the stunned kane in the ring...

End Spoiler

Coach is assistant general manager for the night...but noone cares about that :p
andrew_nixon said:
No need to hide the text, RAW has aired so it's not a spoiler. Besides, that's hardly the biggest news from RAW last night is it?

I think that some may have not seen it because in England it airs at 2am on tuesday morning so some may not have stayed up to watch it and may be waiting for thursday at 9pm.

I think it is a big spoiler...I long for the days:

JR: "Oh my God its Kane"
*Kane does a punch*

JR: "Oh my God what a right hand!"

:p :p :p

Ritwik said:
Since i missed the Raw webcast, what was the biggest news anyway ?

The spoiler I posted and another spoiler which is HUGE so im going to hide it.

Paul Heyman came out on Raw and announced that ECW will become a brand like Raw and Smackdown.

He announced his first two drafts...as predicted RVD from Raw and from Smackdown

KURT ANGLE, who proceeded to come to the ring and beat up Edge and Foley.

Spirit Squad beat up Triple H and Vince said he was going to join Kiss my Ass club but not much else happened

Interesting dont you think?
gamerkid22 said:
hey manne i didn't understand this :please explained what happened.
Someone dressed like Glen Jacobs (Kane) did when he originally started the Kane character, mask and all, came down and attacked Kane.

They're basically recycling the old Undertaker v Undertaker feud from a few years back.
andrew_nixon said:
Do you ever go and see films? Even though they're fake?
Not all of them are fake, some are based on real life storyz.
Andrew is saying that you watch films knowing they are not real...just like he and many others watch wrestling knowing the moves are largely (not fully) scripted.

Its much like a violent soap TV show.

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