Wrestling thread

Yeh but they could do it so most of the matches are development matches, and then have the guys who figure in Raw, Smackdown and ECW, and are main eventers filling the main spots. Then people would still watch it and the best wrestlers would still be on a good brand.
Meh, I thought it was a great Raw this week, my only gripe being the amount of main event talent being sent to Raw. Edge has the potential to carry a show though, so it shouldn't be that big a deal in my view. We should see some lesser names step up as well, which will be good.
If that ever happens, I will burn my TV. The match would just be awful and terrible to watch. I'm wondering why they sent Flair to Smackdown!. I thought he had a program going with Carlito, but it looks like he has Torrie Wilson as his manager still.

I guess that they've sent him there so that he can have a very short lived title reign before he retires. Not sure which belt, but judging by his record it'll be the main championship. They could possibly do some sort of angle about who's the dirtiest player between him and Edge.
I just had a thought... What if Vince McMahon actually does genuinely die, due to a heart attack or something, during this angle. No one would believe them.
I just had a thought... What if Vince McMahon actually does genuinely die, due to a heart attack or something, during this angle. No one would believe them.

Yeh i was talking to Chimp132 the other night and i said the same thing lol
I just had a thought... What if Vince McMahon actually does genuinely die, due to a heart attack or something, during this angle. No one would believe them.

Then they'd report it. The people who believe the story-lines to be real are those that probably wouldn't care whether someone died or not anyway.
As per Andrews post here is the statment as posted on the Wilkes-Barre police website:

'Information regarding WWE Event at Wachovia Arena

For verification purposes regarding those inquiring as to the alleged car bombing of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, at the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre Township on Monday, June 11, 2007, the incident was a staged event, prearranged with Fire Department personnel and authorized by Township Code Enforcement officials. All necessary precautions were taken during the filming of the event so as to ensure the safety and security of all persons involved in the event. Mr. McMahon was not injured during the event contrary to what is being reported on internet web sites and other media sources.'

Site and release can be found here
How do you think the recorded it, its clever stuff!???
How do you think the recorded it, its clever stuff!???

They just recorded a limo exploding the day before, then as soon as he got into the limo, they edited it over the top. I think the foot re-appearing was either a slight glitch, or just simply a way to stall the timing.
O right, its clever...they must have blown up another limo the day after too, aswell, at the time they played the edited tape on the screen in the arena, cos on a wrestling forum i am on, someone went to the show and he said you could hear a bang from outside and when they left the arena, there was a cordoned off area and a burning/burnt out limo with firefighters etc...so they must have played the edited and prerecorded tape and at the same time....blown up a limo outside to make it look live...

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