Your Cricket Your fastest delivery

Feelin Blue? said:
i am a 12 year old medium pacer. Quite slow really and have absoultely no idea on my pace. My dad says around 30kph. How much is that mph?
I'm sure you're not that slow, even a slow leggy would struggle at that pace. Maybe 30 mph?
I saw someone in my 1st grade team a year or so ago (only club cricket not district) face 100mph yorkers like 4 or 5 of them off a bowling machine. It's just to quick. You could put your bat down as soon as the ball is released and you'd probably still miss it due to shear pace.
135-140kph or close to it was to quick for me, though this was one of the two bowlers in the competition whom could bowl this fast. It just zips off the pitch, he bowled a bouncer at me, I knew nothing of it and it hit me in the head. It supprised me how quick it came onto me. Next ball, he attempted a yorker but it was a wide half volley I just flayed at it trying to play a coverdrive. It turned the bat inside out and went through gully for four as it just skidded through the outfield. Despite, not really feeling much pain to the blow to the head and actually being supprised at how much it didn't hurt and how sometimes players winge about getting hit on the head (I was playing on an artificial pitch!) it kinda shook me up and I decided to just try and smack everything out of the park off the bowlers bowling 30kph's slower and lost my wicket.
aus5892 said:
I'm sure you're not that slow, even a slow leggy would struggle at that pace. Maybe 30 mph?
Yea probably. Im not to sure. I will have to actually measure my speed one day :)
JamesyJames3 said:
Congratulations manee for being virtually the only honest person in here.
Thanks :)
JamesyJames3 said:
Those of you who are 13 and say you can bowl over 70, get a grip. It's virtually impossible for a 13 year old to bowl anywhere near that. I tell you this from experience.
I am pretty sure there is no 13 year old in the country of England who can bowl over 65mph.

There was this person who they said was the second fastest in Surrey for his age (when I was in year 8 when we played their school) and when I faced him, he could not have been faster than 65mph.

The fastest I have ever seen is this guy, he played at our 3rd division 1st XI and had a bowling average of 9(!). He was said to be around 85mph and had been timed at 88mph. Keepers would stand so far back for him and had to alternate between matches because they had bruises and blisters all over. Don't ask how we got him (dodgy Sri Lankan connections) but he was very good, his methods of dismissal demonstrate his pace.

At my age there are a few who can bowl 60mph+ at full tilt but neither can keep it up for long.

There is a 17 year old who can bowl 73mph and gets tremendous pace off the pitch, to the point where he could kill someone, but he is inaccurate. People say he is 80mph but I think it is just an illusion due to his pace off the pitch.

My cousin has a speed gun so I will keep you updated of my top speeds.

Feelin Blue? said:
Yea probably. Im not to sure. I will have to actually measure my speed one day :)

Speed guns are about ?70 on ebay.

wfdu_ben91 said:
I saw someone in my 1st grade team a year or so ago (only club cricket not district) face 100mph yorkers like 4 or 5 of them off a bowling machine

I have seen 100mph on a bowling machine (noone batting) and yorkers bounced over the stumps!
Never measured myself on a speed thingy, but as a legspinner I would guess my standard ball is about 35mph, maybe if I really rip it through I could get near 50mph.

I occasionally bowl some medium pace seamers, I doubt they get up higher than 60mph.
Last year i was bowling about 45 MPH but this year im bowling about 54-56MPH which im pretty happy with, i reckon i could reach 62 or 63 but i lose all accuracy when i try to go fast.

Last year in my first season we played some of the adults and brother and i had to bat against one of the brothers who is in the 1sts and they reckon hes gonna get in the county, he was bowling 73-76mph. First ball it shocked me so much i didnt even move my bat and it hit my glove and went to the boundary for 4. Second ball i just about got some bat on and blocked. 3rd ball edged it to slip, its about the only time ive seen a slip carry that far at that height in local cricket. PS the kid who was bowling is 18 i think.
If it hit your glove and went for four then I guess it is about 73mph, did it hurt?
sd92 said:
He couldn't possibly tel ya in here. It would have to be a private message...but a clue is its in the adult section.

No, it's not!

I said funny. Didn't I say what channel it was on? soz :p
manee said:
If it hit your glove and went for four then I guess it is about 73mph, did it hurt?
Yer, it hit a couple of fingers at once so it spread the pain a bit, but the finger was a bit blue after and didnt work too well for a couple of days.
Someone at my last club faced 90mph bowling and broke his arm,asked if anyone else wanted to have a go aswell,there was a notable shortage of volunteers
Slightly off topic but people say that bowling machine's result to 5mph faster than they say due to the ball flying out of it without a run up or action.

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