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  1. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    I am actually not going to bother posting here again, because clearly the target user is 6-10 year old man child like you. You are clearly a racist and have anger issues (Possibly from an inability to attract women) To the rest of you thank you for the conversation
  2. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Thank you for showing your true racist self
  3. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    I said IF IF They are innocent
  4. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    here is a nice little article on the lawsuit facing ICC if players are found innocent PCB might sue ICC if tainted trio found innocent i would also suggest lawsuits agains NOTW and Scotland Yard, and one against the government of England for allowing this injustice If the players are...
  5. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    you dont know that. They are not done with their investigation and have not released anything official You people are just going by the words of a tabloid magazine. Sometimes i think we are actually smarter here in North America,
  6. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Guilty until proven innocent? so because no one defends something, makes it okay? Makes it true? Boy you would have fit in great in 1940s Germany.
  7. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    A sport without Villians is of no use. Ive been to England and Australia, youth there is just not interested in Cricket. They rarely discuss it. Unless its south asian youth I find it funny that people here are saying this has been proven and that has been proven. Nothing has been proven...
  8. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    First off, this is NOTW taking advantage of people speaking out of an emotion. ALL OF US KNOW THAT SOMETIMES WE SAY THINGS WHEN WE ARE UPSET. Hameed for a long time has felt that Farhat was chosen ahead of him because of his family connections. Hameed was poor in these tests, this might have...
  9. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Crooks by nature, why your credibility is rising by the post. ZeeL4J8C2 added 3 Minutes and 31 Seconds later... i was beleiving all this until i actually read some of the News of the world articles. illimanati, secret society, Clinton asks hillary to get a boob job, LOl this is not a...
  10. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    I didnt say it was right or wrong, i said that that was the reason. Imagine you are accountant who gets paid 100,000 dollars a year, while others who work with you get paid 1,000,000 for the same job. Too many times we think that players are also fans and should play with the same passion...
  11. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Dont be sure that others dont do it. Pakistan is just the one that got caught. Let me play devils advocateStill something feels all very fishy about this. First is it possible to determine if that video was shot before or after. Is it possible to determine the time the video was shot...
  12. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Bottome line is, Amer, Asif are done. Butt was never of any use really, so losing him doesnt hurt. Probably Akmals are done too, they will be the other two out of the seven. Pakistan will end up recalling Malik, and Younis for the world cup. They might not make it out of group stages and...
  13. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    What might have triggered all this was the IPL. Being shunned from Big Money IPL might have given the players a justification for fixing. Everyone else is making big money only they are not. See it all goes back to terrorism. If pakistan would just give up all this nonsense of fighting india...
  14. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    And pakistan would move on just the same without cricket. Thats how life is. Yet saying things like these are detrimental to the sport, yet to take a small aspect of something and propel it to culture is incorrect. It would be like me saying whether its in the culture of White Australian...
  15. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    The fact that he would make such a statement shows how little character he actually has, and it looks bad upon him. Listen to how the professional speak of solutions while child like immature men like Hadding and Watson talk. Theres the difference between people who should speak and people who...
  16. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    They might not get him on fixing but they will get him on laundering. Now if only they can get him to talk and talk fully, then we would have something ZeeL4J8C2 added 0 Minutes and 58 Seconds later... I wonder what the odds of guessing 3 straight no balls would Higher then the lottery
  17. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    Absoloutely, These players need to go. The only way to clean this up is to wipe off completely. Look at this rate with the team Pakistan fields they arent going to win anything in the next 5 years anyways. ICC should step in and ban all members of the Pakistan squad for the last two years...
  18. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    PCB is absoloutely unreliable, it wouldnt surprise me if they were in on the take. ICC needs to step in and Ban Pakistan from Cricket all together
  19. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    How can anyone assume that these are the only seven players involved. As far as i am concerned pull everyone. If matches are to conitnue, cap 11 new players from Pakistan A team, yes it almost certainly means that Pakistan will be defeated heavily in the world cup, but thats the only way...
  20. Z

    Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

    As a pakistani i am so saddened by this I think an example needs to be made. A lifetime ban is not enough!! these players should be punished by execution. They have commited the ultimate crime of betraying their country, death penalty applies. Off with their heads i say, do it so the whole...