2nd August Screens

This game is so pretty looking.

I think my favourite bit has to be just the look of the environment that the players are in. The amount of detail and attention in the background. How often do you see that...

Just wow...
The screens look unbelievable. Next time i'd like to see a screenshot from the default camera view while you're playing :thumbs :clap
Since the you're the first to ask!! :rolleyes

Here is the thermal image from BARS


Dharmasena gave this out lbw right?
can you show some players in sharing server playing the game..

The first one is a PC member S. Dhatt and the second last is "Ruck" from the Cricket Academy server.
No worries :)

Everyone here has been drinking while I've been sat here posting - so I'm out of here! See you after the footy!
Batman Origins

Pfft... who is going to buy those games first.

BA Cricket is top of the list for me! :thumbs
With the lens opacity of sunglasses, will they get darker when in sunlight?

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