2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

Graham Onions now with the ball he can take ricky poting wicket if he has some luck.:upray
Forget hawkeye, but did you honestly think it was plumb live? I always feel people have there minds changed when it is put on hawkeye.

Lol. Ironic coming from the fella who's judging Hughes' second innings dismissal on a replay. :sarcasm
You are starting to sound like India supporters.

Sorry, when too much of it goes against a side in the same game, if the supporters are passionate, they do react.
Yeh I was, edited as soon as I saw it.

That's your vision of events, blatantly biased, just as mine may well be. I would be interested to see what people who have absolutely no interest in this series whatsoever have to say. Not that we'll see many of those...

to me its simple. If you get your fingers underneath a ball going at that pace, they will hurt like hell being crushsed between the ground and the ball.

I am a Pakistani and I just want a good day of Test cricket, but I am sorry Strauss would know if his fingers were between the ball and the ground and he claimed a wrong catch.

Billy and Rudi really have to be asked why are they not refer. Poor stuff all the way round to be honest.

Theres one mate, and Howise who isn't Aussie. Mate, tell me his fingers rippled before the ball touched the ground.
And you seem to think Sky are fiddling with the replays to make it look in England's favour.

Oh England can't be successful without being accused of cheating can they.

Struass clearly didn't catch it. I don't want to get into an argument here, I might get a warning :sarcasm
Howsie wants Australia to win though doesn't he? Sounds like it to me.

There's one. Either way it's not going to change my opinion of it.
You are starting to sound like India supporters.

Onions has the ball. I bet he's relishing this. A short, sharp spell is all that is needed to leave the Aussies crying.

Yea, I think we've over done the Onion puns :(
I don't care who wins tbh, I'm actually hoping England wins the ashes but anyone with eyes can see Struass didn't catch the ball.
Lol. Ironic coming from the fella who's judging Hughes' second innings dismissal on a replay. :sarcasm

I was saying I was unsure on the Hughes dismissal live which is fair - not saying it's caught or not caught because it's far to tough to tell. But to say Pontings LBW was plumb is obviously hawkeye influenced.

On Pontings LBW shout:
1 - you couldn't be sure if he nicked it or not. Theres some doubt which makes it not plumb.
2 - It was swinging down legside and hit him legside so that creates some doubt. Can't be plumb.
3 - To go with the swing he was leaning legside. More doubts.

Couldn't claim that was plumb live when there are 3 huge doubts and factors. To say it's plumb is hawkeye influenced for sure.
The games have finally begun. A couple of poor umpiring decisions set the tone for sure.

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