2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

Four for rickyponting great shot to stuart broad good attempt by cook.
Ponting almost out to the pull shot again. Hopefully he can keep it down as I've seen him get out to that far too often of late.
I haven't seen the catch (or not) as I am listening on the radio. But I am delighted that it wasn't referred. I really don't care if it was a catch or not, It only matters if the Umpires think it's a catch. This is the problem with referrals, you'd have gone upstairs and waited around for a bit, only for the TV umpire to say it was inconclusive. All these referrals are making the onfield umpires absolve themselves from any decision, however easy. We've seen it with runouts for ages now, a player is clearly in or out yet it still goes upstairs. If the umpires think it's out, then it's out, if they are not sure then it should be not out regardless of what TV pictures may or may not show. Stop referring and grow some balls.

How could you be delighted it wasn't referred when there was a referral in the first innings? Your happy that they decided to just stop halfway through a test?

I can remember at least a half a dozen appeals against Ponting in the 2nd innings of the Perth test in 2008 during Ishant Sharma`s spell where he was pretty close to being given out and that was on a WACA wicket. It could get him into trouble on wickets with lesser bounce.

Yeah but he is a bit in his innings atm and he didn't do that leave early. He knows the ball is bouncing so he got forward confidently.
Again, debatable. I have a high definition picture, the third umpire actually gets a grainy picture on a small TV screen. I would have thought the batsman would have got the benefit of the doubt if the third umpire had been called, but it is not England's place to ask for a referral.

Surely Strauss wasn't 100% certain that he caught it though, he could of asked to go upstairs. I have seen fielders ask in the past.
I think the fact Kev didn't support the first innings referral either is the point.
Anyhow Broad bowling now - possibly for his place in the third test.
Freddie off the field. I suspected that was going to happen soon, he was looking tired, and kept staring down at his feet after each ball.

Broad got whacked for a boundary of his first ball...*sigh*. Decent comeback, but he needs to bowl better.
I think the fact Kev didn't support the first innings referral either is the point.
Anyhow Broad bowling now - possibly for his place in the third test.

Yes, but it was. So to be delighted that one in the second innings wasn't isn't right. I would rather referrals then inconsistency.
How could you be delighted it wasn't referred when there was a referral in the first innings? Your happy that they decided to just stop halfway through a test?
Ok, delighted isn't the right word. I'll be delighted when they stop referring completely. The fact that there was a referral for a similar circumstance earlier in the match suggests to me that the umpires were unsure, so they should have just given that one not out.

This is the real problem. How are we meant to understand when an umpire is sure or not if they refer? if you think it's a catch then give it, if you don't then don't give it. Simple.
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Its time to bat like England. Block everything pitched towards the stumps and leave anything else. Also might be good to send the physio down every two overs. Pontings finger still doesnt look right;)
Don't worry. Our seamers will give it all the attention it needs.
They can't hit those 3 bloody great bits of wood in the ground, what makes you think they can hit a hand?
I'm half way with Kev on this. If the umpire thinks it's out, then you don't refer. Simple. If the umpire is unsure, and we have technology which can help, then we should use it. The whole situation is too messy at the moment.

If in doubt, not out, but the umpires thought it was out, so it is out.

Sureshot added 2 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

Surely Strauss wasn't 100% certain that he caught it though, he could of asked to go upstairs. I have seen fielders ask in the past.

If a fielder is unsure then it's not out. The fielding team are appealing for a wicket, if the fielder says, "Let's go upstairs" then his appeal isn't at all convincing and should be given out. Any referrals should be done by the on-field umpire and no one else.

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