Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Are you able to say whether fielding has had attention paid to it? Has it been revamped in anyway, looked at and made a realistic part of gameplay?

Indeed it has. We're waiting till we can show it you to explain how/why though.
Also, and here's an answer I'll give to a question you *didn't* ask: I don't think the previous games were jokes. :D


Yorkers hit for 6 continually, crazy ai run rates

Completely broken online gameplay, with no explanation

Ring any bells?


Yorkers hit for 6 continually, crazy ai run rates

Completely broken online gameplay, with no explanation

Ring any bells?


I didn't say that they didn't have things we were unhappy with... But jokes? No. I don't think they were jokes.
I put my thoughts on the last games in a post somewhere: I stand by those.
I didn't say that they didn't have things we were unhappy with... But jokes? No. I don't think they were jokes.
I put my thoughts on the last games in a post somewhere: I stand by those.

Still chief this is a huge day for cricket fans all over the world with the release of cricket academy by bigant, i know you already know this but can you please ask your bosses for something soon or people will be on the bigant forum and not ashes one, you guys are already losing fans fast.
I don't mean to sound harsh but i'm being honest, please if you know a date for something special give it to us soon.

p.s Fellow members for the sake of ashes 2013, a new cricket game let's not talk about the same gamplay problems over and over again about the past.
I understand we got hurt from the last two games(i enjoyed ic2010:D) but that last engine is gone so the same problems should not come up again.
Let's hope for a good game this time with few problems.:cheers

Now for the hate mail.;)
No the games weren't a joke, fun at times, frustrating at others. Maybe Lee you should concentrate your attention on the other game if your not happy with cheif, it sounds like its getting a little personal.

Yorkers hit for 6 continually, crazy ai run rates

Completely broken online gameplay, with no explanation

Ring any bells?


Why the heavy secrecy in terms of gameplay footage?

Something fishy here...
Still chief this is a huge day for cricket fans all over the world with the release of cricket academy by bigant, i know you already know this but can you please ask your bosses for something soon or people will be on the bigant forum and not ashes one, you guys are already losing fans fast.
I don't mean to sound harsh but i'm being honest, please if you know a date for something special give it to us soon.

p.s Fellow members for the sake of ashes 2013, a new cricket game let's not talk about the same gamplay problems over and over again about the past.
I understand we got hurt from the last two games(i enjoyed ic2010:D) but that last engine is gone so the same problems should not come up again.
Let's hope for a good game this time with few problems.:cheers

Now for the hate mail.;)

I just dont buy the BA vs Trickstar thing. People arent that fickle...a few maybe. Most people will just wait patiently till they have seen what each game has to offer. Too much is made of the so called massive power PC forums have....they dont....we are a very small minority of a small minority group...the people who jump from forum to forum swearing alliegance to this game or that are the ones who cant afford to buy two games because they have to save up enough pocket money or wash daddys car again.....nowt wrong with that but I doubt anyone will lose sleep if they decide not to want this or that game....
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I just dont buy the BA vs Trickstar thing. People arent that fickle...a few maybe. Most people will just wait patiently till they have seen which game has to offer. Too much is made of the so called massive power PC forums have....they dont....we are a very small minority of a small minority group...the people who jump from forum to forum swearing alliegance to this game or that are the ones who cant afford to buy two games because they have to save up enough pocket money or wash daddys car again.....nowt wrong with that but I doubt anyone will lose sleep if they decide not to want this or that game....

Yeah i see where your coming from, it's hard for chief but at the same time how much waiting is to much.
Buying the games is no problem for me, i'm not trying to sound bigheaded but my income is above average and i buy most things i like.
Just like many members on here, i do thing eng and aus fans will still go crazy for ashes 2013 over bigant but the rest of the world will go for the userfriendly game, just look at ea cricket 07.

To chief maybe we are being to pushy, like a child that does not have his icecream but in the end i bet you know that you are talking to the hardcore fans here and we will always want more and more.

To end this, chief i have asked this before can you talk tweaks to the action cam, something small to wet are appetites.:wave


No secrecy at all. We show you the game when it's ready to be shown. It's a-comin'. :)

may or June.;)
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Why the heavy secrecy in terms of gameplay footage?

Something fishy here...

That just doesnt make sense.....I mean at some point they will show what is in the game or even if they dont, which they will, after a couple of days reviews will be up here all over the place. Then you can decide whether to buy the game or not......why would they be secret about something thatbwill have to be known at a certain point? In the hope that we accidentally buy the game without noticing? I dont understand the logic....

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