Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

That just doesnt make sense.....I mean at some point they will show what is in the game or even if they dont, which they will, after a couple of days reviews will be up here all over the place. Then you can decide whether to buy the game or not......why would they be secret about something thatbwill have to be known at a certain point? In the hope that we accidentally buy the game without noticing? I dont understand the logic....

While it doesn't make sense, companies do it often. Fifa 13 for ps vita was a prime example as with the name change people assumed it might be close to the console versions in terms of features. EA literally didn't show anything at all up until a couple previews came out a couple days before launch, needless to say the game was nothing more than a updated cover and new rosters.

Waiting for some kind of screenshot from ashes 13 has already become a tedious affair. Trickstar have the nerve to constantly tell me to pre order their game without even a off-screen photo.
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Did you come right here after reading it in the other game thread? My advice, never do that again.:spy

i want to know so i asked my question whats ur problem u r not the developer of the game right.


I answered this question aaaaaaaaages ago. Yes, there are shots of this nature: I just don't think most of them that are considered "special" any more, given the regularity you see them used.

I can't remember who it was I was winding up by saying that the "Helicopter shot" was massively overrated and actually quite an orthadox shot with a completely unnecessary over-the-top flourish, but from memory the argument ran a while. :-)

thanks for the reply chief.


chief how many stadiums can we expect from this game?
Trickstar have the nerve to constantly tell me to pre order their game without even a off-screen photo.
Some will pre-order based simply on the fact it is a cricket game - I also think the fact Trickstar have delivered a good game in the past (despite flaws I think there is no doubt IC2010 is the best all-round cricket game on the market) is a good reason to.

I haven't pre-ordered, partly because I haven't decided whether to pay double the price to get it on release day, or wait for it to be sent to me from the UK. It's $26 on PC shipped from the UK, but $64 locally - imagine if they charged Australian supporters twice the ticket price to watch the match at the ground?

The game is a no-brainer at $26, I paid about that for the horrible Cricket Revolution on launch. At Australian retail prices though, tough ask.
Excuse me Matt, but I believe EA '07 is the best game on the market. Nothing gave me more satisfaction then watching AI batsmen score 8 runs off 125 balls and then bowling them all out with a spinner and the batsman popping up catches to short leg! Now that was realism!

On a serious note, why the hell am I up at 3:40 in the morning, pretending to do my dissertation and ridiculously high on caffeine? :(
Excuse me Matt, but I believe EA '07 is the best game on the market. Nothing gave me more satisfaction then watching AI batsmen score 8 runs off 125 balls and then bowling them all out with a spinner and the batsman popping up catches to short leg! Now that was realism!

The fielding in that game really upped the ante. The only drawback was you could hardly pierce the gaps on the offside. Hoping to see such diving saves as in EA07.
The fielding in that game really upped the ante. The only drawback was you could hardly pierce the gaps on the offside. Hoping to see such diving saves as in EA07.

i really liked the fielding animations for catching and diving in Cricket 07 compared to the brian lara and ashes series
Excuse me Matt, but I believe EA '07 is the best game on the market. Nothing gave me more satisfaction then watching AI batsmen score 8 runs off 125 balls and then bowling them all out with a spinner and the batsman popping up catches to short leg! Now that was realism!

On a serious note, why the hell am I up at 3:40 in the morning, pretending to do my dissertation and ridiculously high on caffeine? :(

That fielding was pretty terrific in EA Cricket 07. As you noted, the bat pad catches really were a plus. A reason why I played all my test matches in it and my limited overs games in AC09.
Trickstar have the nerve to constantly tell me to pre order their game without even a off-screen photo.

Is that actually true? Where are they doing that?


It's $26 on PC shipped from the UK, but $64 locally - imagine if they charged Australian supporters twice the ticket price to watch the match at the ground?

Last week in Melbourne I paid $16 for a bottle of Australian wine. But I can buy the exact same bottle in London for less than half that price.

I do not understand global economics. :)
I'm assuming due to the third world nature of Australia, the increase in price was more down to the fact you were using a luxury commodity, i.e. a bottle

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