Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

I just dont get it. Surely we should just be incredibly joyful that not one but two new cricket games are coming out? That can only be a good thing right? We have been hoping and wondering whether there would ever be a new game and here we are on the verge of two new games. I just dont understand the mentality of writing this game off before it has had the chance to show what it has to offer. I dont understand why people are so incredibly darnright rude. I for one appreciate the fact that Chief has come on here all these long months and spoken about what he could speak about. From the very beginning he has said that if he does not answer a question it is not because he wont it is because he cant at the moment. Added to that he has himself been incredibly gracious towards the BA game and developers. Of course I am sure my comments will bring about more negativity but these are forums and everyone has a right to their opinion.


Judging the games before we have even seen the gameplay is something I can't figure out. Surely we don't want two games which feel and play out exactly the same way. I would be more than happy to get two decent titles (annual or bi-annual) with decent gameplay which are implemented differently.

Judging the games before we have even seen the gameplay is something I can't figure out. Surely we don't want two games which feel and play out exactly the same way. I would be more than happy to get two decent titles (annual or bi-annual) with decent gameplay which are implemented differently.

Just the right point. Why to cry about a feature being there in game1 , not put forward in game 2. People should realise that if both of the two games have similar features, they wouldn't even care playing the other.
That is the whole idea about having two different games.
I am already excited about the prospect of playing two different cricket games with different engine, which itself gives the idea that two will have a different gameplay.
I can't remember judging anything. I'm simply stating that when a game gives you an editing beta like big ant have, and this ashes game doesn't even give you the option of changing player heights. Then it doesn't say a lot for the games potential. I hope it does turn out to be good, I really do. Just know than unless the gameplay on the big ant game is awful, then that will be my game of choice due to the level of detail they have included.
I hope chief will come suddenly and blow out all the negativity surrounding AC13.....Someday :spy:spy :D

A quick question chief: will we get real like faces of licensed teams?
I hope chief will come suddenly and blow out all the negativity surrounding AC13.....Someday :spy:spy :D

A quick question chief: will we get real like faces of licensed teams?

Yes. Photo-real in fact (I took some of the photos myself :))
Well I have been following people and Chief's answer to the questions silently. What I hate the most is people criticizing this game even before knowing what the gameplay is or what will this game offer.

Big Ant on their end are doing perfect work but even they took 2 years since they announced the game to finally show us something. Trickstar has announced this when? December?

To all those patience-less members, be happy you are getting 2 games to play at and I can definitely see great cricket games coming in near future too. Not criticizing any company but Big Ant has just shown their editor. Yes its marvelous but who knows? What matters me more is not the height or weight of a player but how the gameplay is, how close or to say better the games have progressed. Come on guys just look at the football games, near the level of perfection and I personally liked IC2010 and AC09, and even if its 10% improvement to those games we can say we have had a profit by having 2 games on our hands
Yes. Photo-real in fact (I took some of the photos myself :))

Please make a solid gameplay,I am a honestly a fan of Test matches,will surely play ashes series if the game has some solid gameplay to offer especially in terms of test-match A.I and gameplay :D
Yes. Photo-real in fact (I took some of the photos myself :))

Sometimes its better to have it done already in a professional manner than depending on users :P plus its a pain in the ass for us...
NO ONE here has played either game and the - couch potato critics - have already come out...

Very disappointing, no wonder most developers don't share their progress if this is what to expect in return. :noway
NO ONE here has played either game and the - couch potato critics - have already come out...

Very disappointing, no wonder most developers don't share their progress if this is what to expect in return. :noway

I think you are being negative and pessimistic in your own way. Don't interpret complaints only as whining - the criticisms are also meant to stimulate change for the better.

Take a look at what Big Ant are doing. They, through Ross, find a way to disclose a significant amount of information before the release, and give us an excellent player editor to explore in the meantime. The Big Ant forums are buzzing, and yet the game has no release date.

It's about understanding your audiences, and turning them into customers. A big part of that is being able to handle criticism, and view it as feedback and as a motivator.
This is becoming a catch-your-tail game. We are just going on in circles.
As BigAnt has released something, Trickstar will wait and release something important this weekend. Lets just keep feeding us with what we get, time will come when we can choose our own food. They will expect constructive criticism from us and we will give it to them then. The criticism now is just meaningless and loopy.

For now lets follow the pirate tradition, 'Take all you can, give nothing back'. Savvy?
Everybody here wants both these franchises to succeed. Since its difficult to get licenses in full, a good editor is a plus to a vast majority. A good segment of us like playing for domestic teams and classic sides therefore a solid team creator takes care of this requirement. BigAnt seems to have covered these areas pretty well and this has been a big factor in people choosing their side. It would have been nice to have trickstar incorporating these in their game.

Anyway I am rooting for both these games to succeed financially because I have never witnessed this kind of excitement among cricket fans for nearly a decade.
Anyway I am rooting for both these games to succeed financially because I have never witnessed this kind of excitement among cricket fans for nearly a decade.


Those who love cricket games will definitely buy both games if they are enjoyable.
I personally would buy both if the reviews are above average on the gameplay. Its been a long time since I've played cricket on a PC. Am desperate :D

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