Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Q) Can you save manual field settings?
A) We know how important that has been to fans of previous games, so we have taken this in mind and field placings are saved per game mode - so any Test fields you set will be available in any Test match you subsequently play, and so on.

Q) Does the AI play according to field settings?
A) The Batsman AI's shot selection takes field placements into account (as well as other variables) when deciding where/how/if to hit the ball. They react to changes in the field and are aware where they should be able to score runs on ball-by-ball basis.

Great stuff to hear Chief. Can you say something about AI fielding when bowling? Will they really plug those gaps, set traps, work intelligently to stifle runs, look for ways of controlling any given match situation?
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Chief, does the AI learn from us? I mean not over a range of games but at least that particular single game. Say suppose I'm playing a Test match, and the short ball has beaten me, will the AI try & bowl more short balls? Or if I've been trying to get under the ball to loft it over a spinner, will he try and bowl fuller & flatter?
So basically, does it work this way, or are the combinations for deliveries predetermined?
Ashes 2013 could feature the most advanced sporting ai ever produced. But if it hooks you for 6 off a yorker. Then it means nothing!
Ashes 2013 could feature the most advanced sporting ai ever produced. But if it hooks you for 6 off a yorker. Then it means nothing!

Did hooking-the-yorker-for-a-six seriously happen in IC10? I mean I've never played that game, so I don't know. I, at least, didn't find it in AC09.
Ashes 2013 could feature the most advanced sporting ai ever produced. But if it hooks you for 6 off a yorker. Then it means nothing!

Isn't that a bit unfair? I mean give a little credit where credit is due. Chief has now given a bit more info and he has already said on a number of occasions that that hook 6 shot yorker will not happen in this game. Is it really necessary for us to keep bringing up the same old stuff? We can complain when we don't hear anything and we complain when we do. The guy can't win......
Did hooking-the-yorker-for-a-six seriously happen in IC10? I mean I've never played that game, so I don't know. I, at least, didn't find it in AC09.

The main reason I finally put that game away for the last time was the ridiculous shots that defied the laws of psychics the ai would play. Even against a perfect delivery. :mad
I'm surprised I never saw a defensive block go for 6. :facepalm


Chief has already said on a number of occasions that that hook 6 shot yorker will not happen.

Then I retract my statement. I genuinely didn't see any posts where chief said that. Sorry to anyone offended. :thumbs
Isn't that a bit unfair? I mean give a little credit where credit is due. Chief has now given a bit more info and he has already said on a number of occasions that that hook 6 shot yorker will not happen in this game. Is it really necessary for us to keep bringing up the same old stuff? We can complain when we don't hear anything and we complain when we do. The guy can't win......

TBF these kind of comments are to be expected till people see the game with their own eyes. It's not a mark against Chief but the fact is folks were let down by IC 2010 with respect to offline (yorker cuts/pulls) and broken online gameplay.

When folks hear the name "Ashes" in the title and learn the same developers (Trickstar) are involved in the game's development, it's to be expected they are a bit apprehensive even though the game is a reboot of the Ashes Cicket franchise.
TBF these kind of comments are to be expected till people see the game with their own eyes. It's not a mark against Chief but the fact is folks were let down by IC 2010 with respect to offline (yorker cuts/pulls) and broken online gameplay.

When folks hear the name "Ashes" in the title and learn the same developers (Trickstar) are involved in the game's development, it's to be expected they are a bit apprehensive even though the game is a reboot of the Ashes Cicket franchise.

I agree, chief has been very careful not to say yes we fixed that and we have that because if chief did say the yorker for 6 problem is long gone and then when the game is release we see it there for everyone to see.
I do feel that the problems with yorker for 6 and short ball not being a real short ball should not be in ashes 2013, it's a new graphic engine so it will have it's own plus and minus, i just hope it's a big step forward from ic2010 and i will be happy. p.s Bigant is harder to judge as it's there first game.
p.s also i just hope the ai spread the field in test matches, i would love the field to also come in when on 45,95 so on to put pressure on us to hit over the top.:D
The main reason I finally put that game away for the last time was the ridiculous shots that defied the laws of psychics the ai would play. Even against a perfect delivery. :mad
I'm surprised I never saw a defensive block go for 6.

I'd say they won't make such an obvious mistake in their second attempt. Yes, there'd be mistakes because nothing's perfect, but I reckon they'd rectify the old ones. Let's get Chief and his mates a chance to show off there hard work, first.


Chief, does AC13 (PC) support keyboard & mouse, or does it require a controller? It'd be nice if you could tell us that. :)
Live Pitch - play to the pitch and the changing weather and light condition.

Chief does this mean the ball may not necessarily spin/swing in certain conditions? I ask this because in previous titles you could spin/swing the ball as much as you wish, not taking into account the pitch conditions and weather.
When folks hear the name "Ashes" in the title and learn the same developers (Trickstar) are involved in the game's development, it's to be expected they are a bit apprehensive even though the game is a reboot of the Ashes Cicket franchise.

Except it's not the same developers, no one's "apprehensive", Ashes in the title is a licensing/marketing decision and the game has been built entirely from scratch but don't let facts get in the way.... Please, do tell me more what Oz is like.
I would suggest that Trickstar saw a lot of the same problems with their previous titles, hence starting from scratch on the new game, so that they could put things into place in a better way.

A lot of Chief's posts in explaining why certain features aren't included are to me good indicators of the attention to detail in the decision making process for the game, in terms of what features to focus on.

Obviously they won't win the features battle, but I think they've thought through what they can and can't achieve in this release and will have focused on pulling it off well.

I hope and expect we won't see as many of the glaring fluidity issues for one.
Except it's not the same developers, no one's "apprehensive", Ashes in the title is a licensing/marketing decision and the game has been built entirely from scratch but don't let facts get in the way.... Please, do tell me more what Oz is like.

Well I know it's built from scratch when I said "reboot of the Ashes franchise". My point was that people who played AC09 and IC2010 games still have a bitter taste in their mouth and after being left in the lurch with the broken online gameplay and are within their rights to be skeptical, especially seeing "Ashes" in the title. And as far as I know the game is indeed being developed by the same developers.

I didn't say I agree with the sentiment but I'm playing the devil's advocate and understand where the folks who are questioning the game are coming from. You know "once bitten twice shy" and all that stuff.
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I play Ashes09 regularly and the only taste in my mouth is sweet, delicious coffee...

It was (and still is) a great arcade game experience. Same goes for IC10. Despite a few flaws, they're great cricket games... lots of great reviews (even from this very site). You can't rewrite history based on your own preference or bias. If you didn't like it, fine. But saying what you keep on blabbing on about people having "bitter" tastes or whatever is nonsense. There's 55,243 posts in the C09 forum, full of passionate folks.

I would suggest that Trickstar saw a lot of the same problems with their previous titles, hence starting from scratch on the new game, so that they could put things into place in a better way

This. Everything I've read and seen points to Chief and team being totally focused on identifying key areas of game play improvement from the Codemasters titles.


Chief, does AC13 (PC) support keyboard & mouse, or does it require a controller? It'd be nice if you could tell us that. :)

There's a PC version, so I would assume, yes. Keyboard/Mouse would be included.
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I play Ashes09 regularly and the only taste in my mouth is sweet, delicious coffee...

It was (and still is) a great arcade game experience. Same goes for IC10. Despite a few flaws, they're great cricket games... lots of great reviews (even from this very site). You can't rewrite history based on your own preference or bias. If you didn't like it, fine. But saying what you keep on blabbing on about people having "bitter" tastes or whatever is nonsense. There's 55,243 posts in the C09 forum, full of passionate folks.

I can't for the life of me figure out why folks get so defensive at others being a bit cautious about AC2013 based on their track record. Read my posts again. I am simply stating that skepticism of some of the folks regarding AC2013 is justifiable based on the past record. It's pretty understandable to me and I don't see what's wrong with that statement.

You may be happy with IC2010 but other folks, including me, were let down by IC2010 big time. That is not "non sense" and I would request you to tone down the language a bit just because others don't agree with your opinions. Just because I, and others, think IC2010 was a pretty poor product owing to broken online gameplay doesn't mean I am "babbling" or talking "nonsense".

Also, I would request you to read my posts again. I was saying I don't necessarily agree with the skepticism around AC2013 as it's a reboot but I understand where folks are coming from. Again, I don't see where the problem was with that sentiment.
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