Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

God let them just be smart for once, release the new release date with a trailer WIN WIN.:D

ya i think this is the way to go..

they say the game's ready
they say chief plays it which means it is playable
they have all the licenses
chief's the producer and represent 505 games (publisher)
chief posts ai vs ai results


they can't post screenshots/trailers (say they are not allowed to)
they can't reveal certain details (say they are not allowed to)
they can't confirm the release date delay rumour (we think they are not allowed to) :facepalm

am just sayin :D
You are na?ve. Product being good is just one of the many factors contributing to its success, especially when we are talking about something like a video game. A durable or safety related product like a car etc. would be a different matter though. Being at the right place at the right time is still a bigger factor IMO.

And I don't for one second believe Ross doesn't know that. Why do you think he's following Ashes Cricket's release so closely? He knows as well that to compete with a game with Ashes licenses will not be easy, especially if Ashes game releases first.

I think having been working in a Marketing Environment for more than 8 years would have given me tad little experience how it works. Marketing pushes the product, initially a bad product would sell as well only due the hype created by the Marketing, however in the long run the only thing that matter is "Good" product. A word of mouth is the biggest marketing tool and none can be a bigger factor than that. (I replied to this post only to prove point and not arguing :))
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Still no Chief, this is not looking good for the game as the cat is out of the hat and the hate mail will get worse as the days go by. Come on Chief you must have something to say.:(


ya i think this is the way to go..

they say the game's ready
they say chief plays it which means it is playable
they have all the licenses
chief's the producer and represent 505 games (publisher)
chief posts ai vs ai results


they can't post screenshots/trailers (say they are not allowed to)
they can't reveal certain details (say they are not allowed to)
they can't confirm the release date delay rumour (we think they are not allowed to) :facepalm

am just sayin :D

They are in a hole at the moment, it's not hard to get out if they just well talk and release some good news.:noway
I think having been working in a Marketing Environment for more than 8 years would have given me tad little experience how it works. Marketing pushes the product, initially a bad product would sell as well only due the hype created by the Marketing, however in the long run the only thing that matter is "Good" product. A word of mouth is the biggest marketing tool and none can be a bigger factor than that. (I replied to this post only to prove point and not arguing :))

Well for a product like a video game which is event specific (Ashes) the timing of the product is more than enough to sell. It's just like a footie game when FIFA comes out with a World Cup edition game next year in time for the World Cup - even though it will be a re-skinned FIFA 2014 it will sell.

A product being good and all that matters for durable or safety related products as I mentioned in my earlier post. For an event specific video game it will sell more if the game's on shelf when Ashes series hype machine goes live. E.g., a car will sell more based on factors you are stating but the same will not hold good for what we are talking about, i.e. a video game.
Maybe the game's not ready visually and the IPL and Champions Trophy reasons are just a cover. But I'm sure we'll see something from the game... once South Africa win an ICC tournament!!! :lol
Still no Chief, this is not looking good for the game as the cat is out of the hat

Not to be a stickler for the correct use of colloquial terms, but the proverbial cat is out of the proverbial bag, certainly not a hat... Lets at least pretend appropriate British vernacular is important, if we're going to berate Chief.

...I need cake.
Can I remind everyone that Chief isn't required to answer anything, and that the extremely personal stuff of the last few days isn't helping and isn't acceptable.
I think a little perspective is in order:

- As far as I'm aware we have heard nothing official (either from Chief or otherwise) that the game has been delayed. The only suggestions we've had that the game may be delayed were from Ross. And yet, for whatever reason, people have taken it as gospel that the game is delayed and are even trying to guess the new release date? Unbelievable! I'm not saying it hasn't been delayed but lets wait for something official before jumping the gun

- While the discourse Chief has on here with us might count as part of the game's marketing efforts, this does not mean he is involved in the marketing strategy for the game. In fact he has specifically told us on many occasions that the timing and content of announcements is outside of his hands.

- Chief works for Trickstar, not 505. 505 are the publishers and hold the ultimate power when it comes to release dates, releasing information, screens, videos etc. So people are essentially having a go at something that, not only does he have no control over, even the company he works for has no control over it
Chief works for Trickstar, not 505.
Chief is at 505 - but he isn't the boss there, so there's people higher up from him who get to make decisions.

He has been extremely open with this forum, answering questions near daily for the last 6 months. I think far more appreciation for what he has been able to do is needed, not the complaints about what he can't.
Can we please stop begging chief or trying to force him to come and say something? It's getting really silly now reading posts like "come on chief...Blah blah blah"
Chief is at 505 - but he isn't the boss there, so there's people higher up from him who get to make decisions.

Really? I know that Chief was involved with AC09/IC10 which were transmission/trickstar and not 505 so I naturally assumed... so he's moved across to 505? just curious...

Either way, the majority of my point stands, I understand people are desperate for more info and a good game but perspective please...

I'm hoping it comes out on the 21st but if it doesn't I still have to take my kids to school, go to work and the world will continue to turn...

Meanwhile we'll still have two (that's right TWO!!!!) cricket games to look forward to in the short term
Not to be a stickler for the correct use of colloquial terms, but the proverbial cat is out of the proverbial bag, certainly not a hat... Lets at least pretend appropriate British vernacular is important, if we're going to berate Chief.

...I need cake.

Thanks for your wisdom biggs, my eyes are open to everything around me, i am now one with nature.:p
Chief is at 505 - but he isn't the boss there, so there's people higher up from him who get to make decisions.

He has been extremely open with this forum, answering questions near daily for the last 6 months. I think far more appreciation for what he has been able to do is needed, not the complaints about what he can't.

Gotta stop all this rimming of chiefs back door, I mean he is trying to sell a game at the end of the day and make money, don't make out he is on here for nothing, he gets paid to do this, not like he is marketing for free is it

And he has hardly told us anything in the past 6 months, considering all the bad stuff that went on with ic10 you would have thought that they would be doing more to win us back, but no he's gone into hiding again.
Chief is at 505 - but he isn't the boss there, so there's people higher up from him who get to make decisions.

He has been extremely open with this forum, answering questions near daily for the last 6 months. I think far more appreciation for what he has been able to do is needed, not the complaints about what he can't.

Ok i see your point, i have nothing against chief but the way everything has gone quite is very sad for a game that was so close to release not so long ago.


Gotta stop all this rimming of chiefs back door, I mean he is trying to sell a game at the end of the day and make money, don't make out he is on here for nothing, he gets paid to do this, not like he is marketing for free is it

And he has hardly told us anything in the past 6 months, considering all the bad stuff that went on with ic10 you would have thought that they would be doing more to win us back, but no he's gone into hiding again.

That was codemaster not 505 games, still 505 games have not been great to be honest. Hoping for some good news next week.:thumbs

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