Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Further to this, if anyone on here has been contacted by someone who was trying to get them to make such a call, or thinks they have other relevant info please contact us.

It's disgraceful behaviour.

Yeah that's poor form. Get a life whoever you are.
It truly amazes me how far some people will take things over something as small as a computer game. I'll share a story something similar, the guys at Big Ant will probably have gone through it themselves.

About 13 years I lived in a small town called Castleford. Straight out of school I was a skinny 16/17 year old and worked at game. The orginial Rugby League Live game was due to be released on PS2 (I think) Not sure if Big Ant owned the rights back then?

We were told we would be getting 100's of copys and that the Castleford Tigers rugby team would be on hand, day of release to sign the copys in store. Anyway, release date came and the game was only given a minimal release, so we got 2 copys and no rugby team.

All day we literally had 30/40 year old blokes coming in and getting irate, and proper shouting and threatening to beat up all of our staff (most were temporary straight from school). I don't know how fully grown, mature adults can get so upset over something as trivial as a computer game. I feel sorry for Mike, I know how bad that was. Whoever gave out his personal details wants firing.
Hi Guys, I have never disparaged anyone and never will as I consider both unethical and unprofessional. Also my private life is exactly that private so the people who have been calling me at home & on my mobile in the middle of the night (the calls are coming from overseas on the sub-continent) please stop! I have no problem aiming your anger at me that's part of the job but when it effects my family that is completely different. I am not looking for sympathy here but the person who gave out my private details should be ashamed of themselves and it simply isn't cricket & playing fair. Thank you in advance for respecting the privacy of my family & I.

After last week I have come to the conclusion that "action speaks louder than words" so I am now more determined to work even harder with the team to ensure we make the best Ashes Cricket 2013 game we can. I will be checking in daily and will continue to give you updates at the start of the week and a round up at the end of the week.
Sorry to hear that .Its not fair and the peron who licked out the private details should understand that
The whole forum has become an outlet for abuse and it has become so tedious.Mike drop the forums and rather focus on your game.As you said actions speak louder than words.
The whole forum has become an outlet for abuse and it has become so tedious.Mike drop the forums and rather focus on your game.As you said actions speak louder than words.

Well... To be fair, in Mike Fegan's case, actions have always spoken louder than his words :p
Mike this is just not cricket and the person should just stop now.
I could see something like this happening as I wrote about few days ago, we all can support which ever game we decide or both but as I try to say few days ago this does not mean we need a xbox vs ps3 kind of war here on PC.

I hope the person stops ASAP mike.:spy
AFL Live 2005 winning a best game award is about as meaningless as Darahasena winning ICC best umpire.

I take it you've won international acclaim for flipping burgers at McDonalds recently? Quit embarrassing yourself, doesn't matter what you think. The correct (and only) response to someone being recognized for ANY achievement, however "irrelevant" to you is "Congratulations, mate" and failing that, silence. Personal achievements mean a lot to the person receiving them as external recognition for their hard work. When you win something, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, until then... have a bit of respect and even better, show it. Personal attacks about such things are totally abhorrent... are people calling up someones phone number, whomever that is you're an absolute disgrace. Fully expect PlanetCricket to have you permanently banned, dangerous and disgraceful sh%$t.
I like to mix the mature with the magic... PlanetCricket deserves nothing less...
Just to perhaps get on to something a bit more enjoyable to discuss - in one of the other threads we were discussing the merits of actually using photos in the development of realistic environments - in that case comparing some golf games.

You've mentioned the HD textures, what was the process of creating these - did you get to visit many of the grounds you were modelling, did you directly use photographs of unique features of the ground to best create them - or did you need to recreate things like that?

To delve into the things that you might not be able to comment on yet - can you say anything about the media centre at Lord's - that was probably something that stood out the most in people viewing those shots - is that just a technical issue - or is it hard to get that kind of thing correct?

And finally, considering you use photos to create the officially licensed players - how do you create the unlicensed players - do you find people who look a bit like cricketers and take their photo or can you create realistic looking 'fake' faces from nothing?

Another thing that you might be able to comment on - how did you go about recording the ambient sounds and sound effects? Can you quantify the amount of different sounds you have for shots and the bounce of the ball? did you go about recording the ambient sounds and sound effects? Can you quantify the amount of different sounds you have for shots and the bounce of the ball?

I would also love to hear about more on the development of sound within the game, how it's been sourced... and how authentic the international based sounds will be.
It truly amazes me how far some people will take things over something as small as a computer game. I'll share a story something similar, the guys at Big Ant will probably have gone through it themselves.

About 13 years I lived in a small town called Castleford. Straight out of school I was a skinny 16/17 year old and worked at game. The orginial Rugby League Live game was due to be released on PS2 (I think) Not sure if Big Ant owned the rights back then?

We were told we would be getting 100's of copys and that the Castleford Tigers rugby team would be on hand, day of release to sign the copys in store. Anyway, release date came and the game was only given a minimal release, so we got 2 copys and no rugby team.

All day we literally had 30/40 year old blokes coming in and getting irate, and proper shouting and threatening to beat up all of our staff (most were temporary straight from school). I don't know how fully grown, mature adults can get so upset over something as trivial as a computer game. I feel sorry for Mike, I know how bad that was. Whoever gave out his personal details wants firing.

You aren't really telling the full story there are you? I live near Castleford and one side of my family live there/are from there. The people of Castleford are passionate about Rugby League, as much if not more than other parts of the country.

As I remember everyone was told they would have enough copies to go round so, rightly, when people went to pick up their game they'd waited for in years, they weren't very happy.
Hi Guys, I have never disparaged anyone and never will as I consider both unethical and unprofessional. Also my private life is exactly that private so the people who have been calling me at home & on my mobile in the middle of the night (the calls are coming from overseas on the sub-continent) please stop! I have no problem aiming your anger at me that's part of the job but when it effects my family that is completely different. I am not looking for sympathy here but the person who gave out my private details should be ashamed of themselves and it simply isn't cricket & playing fair. Thank you in advance for respecting the privacy of my family & I.

After last week I have come to the conclusion that "action speaks louder than words" so I am now more determined to work even harder with the team to ensure we make the best Ashes Cricket 2013 game we can. I will be checking in daily and will continue to give you updates at the start of the week and a round up at the end of the week.

Folks have been doing that!!! :eek:

I think it might be one of the facebook crowd as it would be slightly more consistent to some of the comments you read there.
Hi Guys, I have never disparaged anyone and never will as I consider both unethical and unprofessional. Also my private life is exactly that private so the people who have been calling me at home & on my mobile in the middle of the night (the calls are coming from overseas on the sub-continent) please stop! I have no problem aiming your anger at me that's part of the job but when it effects my family that is completely different. I am not looking for sympathy here but the person who gave out my private details should be ashamed of themselves and it simply isn't cricket & playing fair. Thank you in advance for respecting the privacy of my family & I.

Sometimes I just feel ashamed to say I'm a gamer when I see the amount of abuse given and the depths some people will sink to over a game. I don't just mean on this site.
Some people in online forums have a sense of entitlement that belongs in a videogame, because it's so over the top.

I hope the person calling is caught and banned for their stupidity and ignorance, the person who leaked Mikes private details should be ashamed for their betrayal. Bet they don't have guts to come on here and take the flack the way Mike has.

All the decent people on here will no doubt sympathize with you Mike.
I take it you've won international acclaim for flipping burgers at McDonalds recently? Quit embarrassing yourself, doesn't matter what you think. The correct (and only) response to someone being recognized for ANY achievement, however "irrelevant" to you is "Congratulations, mate" and failing that, silence. Personal achievements mean a lot to the person receiving them as external recognition for their hard work. When you win something, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about, until then... have a bit of respect and even better, show it. Personal attacks about such things are totally abhorrent... are people calling up someones phone number, whomever that is you're an absolute disgrace. Fully expect PlanetCricket to have you permanently banned, dangerous and disgraceful sh%$t.

Calm down mate.

No congratulations was deserved for any of those AFL games. If they won any awards then it shows how poor the industry is. AFL fans didn't have a good AFL game for ~6 years because the licence kept being given to those clowns. A ---- game is a ---- game. Some award, which we have no idea what it was for, changes nothing.

The phone number is of course horrible but that's independent to anything I've said.

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