Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Interesting. I personally wouldn't pre-order at those retailers. But isn't there a time-frame for which the pre-order holds good? I mean AC13 pre-orders started way back in April. Can the retailers hold the pre-order money for so long? I would assume if the game doesn't release within 2-3 months of taking the pre-order the money is returned and pre-order cancelled by default.

If that's not the case I can come up with a cricket or footie game, collect pre-order money and get interest on it for a year and then return the money stating the game is canned and keep the interest. Maybe this was AC13's plan all along - they get their cut off the pre-order interest
Gearbox rewards man who pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever 10 years ago | GamersMint
as in, confirmed it will not release on console?

No. I mean they confirmed it being released on steam.

The very fact they confirmed the game's releasing only on Steam is an admission of the game not being released on consoles anytime soon :thumbs


I knew I shouldn't have cancelled my AC13 pre-order in June :rolleyes
it's truly unbelievable that neither the publisher or developer has said a word. bizarre.

Took the words right out of my mouth!! one of the most bizarre game releases ever!!

Steve S.
only thing I can imagine is that they are contractually obliged to release something, anything otherwise face even more financial punishment......thus no wasting money on advertisements etcetera.
only thing I can imagine is that they are contractually obliged to release something, anything otherwise face even more financial punishment......thus no wasting money on advertisements etcetera.

& thus also releasing a scaled down (probably) PC version.
Release the game on all platforms (if possible) take the money and run.

I do not think they are releasing in the hope of making money: they are releasing to uphold a contract and thus get out of the contract or have to face even greater financial consequences.
Release the game on all platforms (if possible) take the money and run.

I don't believe that's an option.


I do not think they are releasing in the hope of making money: they are releasing to uphold a contract and thus get out of the contract or have to face even greater financial consequences.

My understanding is that they could have pulped it. I suspect more about getting something out there "for the fans" (!) is part of it but mostly it will be a purely economic how do we minimise loss decision.
As far as I'm concerned anyone from here who buys this game has no respect for themselves as a consumer. Both through the way 505 Games/Trickstar have acted, and through the end quality of the game. For those keeping score at home Ashes 13 fails on both counts.

Its all well to say its only $20. But if everyone followed this principle then the game would sell very well. And that just sends a message to developers that cricket gamers will buy anything if you plonk a license onto it. And as a market it is easy to take advantage of. The attitude of buying a cricket game just because its a cricket game is stupid.

And I'd be saying this even if DB14 wasn't in the picture. I won't be touching this with a 20 foot pole. Even if it does turn out to be playable

Absoloutly agree, anyone who is willing or even thinking about buying this needs to give their head a wobble. The only motivation developers have to improve either the game or interaction with their consumers is if people actually growing a set and actually say " no, do you know what you have acted in a dishonest way and treated us like mugs so you can't have my money, if you want my money then make a good game not just gloss up a game from yrs ago!! Actually listen to what cricket and gaming fans want, if not then I won't support this sh1te." My grandfather always told me in his husky cockney tones if you don't want to be treated like a mug then don't behave like one.

Apart from the fact that DB cricket actually has all that and more, it's so close and Ross and the crew have been up front, honest and have really contributed to PC- big Ant have thrown out the rule book, they have been inovative and have given cricket fans a game with nearly everything we have been screaming out for. I would urge everyone to actually 'hang in there?' don't say May as well it's something to see me thru til DB releases. I, like Ross and I'm sure the majority here were hoping for a FIfa vs PES like rivalry developing, this won't happen unless cricket gamers stop buying any old crap churned out.
Put yourself in 505's position. What would you do?

Same as them barmy, release on steam and then PC and maybe a console version next year under a new name(IC2014) or cut there losses.

For the sake of Trickstar and the jobs there you would think they will try a console release next year sometime but that's up to 505 games.

Win for DBC14 I say, If we don't have a release date by next week I will be shocked.:clap

PS Also on Friday we can see if there is a reason to release on console barmy, if the PC version sucks as much as we think it will this will never happen.

PS Just a thought, maybe just maybe they are testing what people will think of the PC version. Who knows.
Emailed 505 regarding console version.

505 Games said:
We've not heard any news on the console version. We were told an announcement would be released very soon with information.

Please keep an eye on Ashes Cricket 2013 ? The Video Game.

Iain M.
505 Games Technical Support

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