Guys remember to check the
FIRST POST in the thread, it has direct links to ALL of Chiefs answers, a lot of you are asking the same thing regarding career/tour modes. He's given us all he can at the moment... ideally, lets be asking a variety of questions rather than the same ones
over and over again.
Also check the FAQ stickied at the top of the forum too...
Heres a new one:
Will the game feature a "training/nets" mode for new players - there was a great suggestion (in another thread) that the user gets things like "throwdowns" to practice shots, rather than "net bowling" in previous games, which I thought was quite innovative. What are the chances of a more varied style of "training" (if it has to be included at all) being included. Alternatively, what about a "bowling machine" that you can program to send down all kinds of specific deliveries to practice against, rather than having a bowling animation. It's just something a bit more "cricket real" than having the same bowling animations over and over again.
Alternatively, what about a simple "pop-up" step-by-step "walkthough" for cricket newbies that they can chose to play, rather than building into the game structure a whole training/nets session that really only gets played once or twice.
...and if I can double-dip my questions... a quick one on "sound" within the game. How are you sourcing this (if you've even got that far) and will there be a variety of sounds for different shots within the game, something that I think has been really missing from almost all cricket games. Things like batsmens "frustration" ...perhaps the keeper chirping away things like "great delivery" and "just one more wicket" etc. Could you perhaps source a lot of these live sounds direct from audio-only ground feeds, stump mics and so forth from real games?