Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

That's the idea. I've refused the idea of DRS in previous titles simply because you really couldn't tell: there wasn't enough indication. You should also get the commentators offering you hints as well of their first impressions before you exceed the appeal-time.

The risk with that is with enough play time we might get to know which commentator comment goes with which decision, so we would be able to tell if the decision is going to be out or not by what the comm. says.
Sorry - misunderstood. I read it as referring to dew, which slows the outfield.

Yeah, the later you commit to a ball generally the less chance you have of scoring, but it's safer and more controlled (although by no means safe!). It's also tied into your shape/positioning as well as timing.

That sounds good chief :)!!!
The risk with that is with enough play time we might get to know which commentator comment goes with which decision, so we would be able to tell if the decision is going to be out or not by what the comm. says.

They wouldn't always be right - I can think of many times I've seen (well, HEARD) a commentator call it, change his mind on seeing the replay, and STILL be wrong. :-)
How much focus are you giving on Stamina feature? I mean we wrote some ideas in previous pages about this. Sorry but I just think it is important feature and should be given more priority than developers do. I don't expect fully fledged Stamina system but can you at least give some more focus this time or is it too late to ask? Negative reply won't be a problem if this feature can be taken good care in future versions.
How much focus are you giving on Stamina feature? I mean we wrote some ideas in previous pages about this. Sorry but I just think it is important feature and should be given more priority than developers do. I don't expect fully fledged Stamina system but can you at least give some more focus this time or is it too late to ask? Negative reply won't be a problem if this feature can be taken good care in future versions.

I'll check on this (I can't remember *every* detail perfectly) but I *think* that we've had stamina for every player in the two previous games, although the only ones where you really noticed it was for pace bowlers, or spinners that that had bowled really long spells. It was recovered at breaks (or overnight) and was tied to weather conditions.
In fact, pretty much everything you guys have been mentioning.

I think personally though that you're perhaps over-stating the importance, particularly for batsmen: I can't remember the last time I saw someone really struggling for stamina at the crease: usually they become mentally tired and do something silly before they tire physically enough for it to cost them a wicket (we also had that in previous games).

I'll double check my details on this, but I think that was case, and we certainly intend to do all that again.
As I've said before I'm just hoping we get a game with great and realistic gameplay.
I was wondering if your going to aim for better ai?in previous games they were unrealistic like I was getting smashed for 7 an over in a test match.
Also is there going to be any test seasons ? Test tables etc? Loss of form ? Injuries?
Not relying on timing?
And are there going to be different pitches?green tops. Flat in india etc
I think many injuries like hamstring are due to stamina. When you overdo a lot of running batsman and fielders are tend to get tired. Any batsman who will play 30 overs straight without any intervention won't feel so easy at crease. You won't see him running at top speed. Fielders will give up the chase or dive depending on how much they run.

Sure Stamina isn't favourite feature by majority but if you want to make the fielding manual and realistic run outs including howlers there has to be stamina feature. I explained this in detail in previous page. Don't know about others but I feel running between wickets and fielding in cricket is as important as other elements and I don't want it to be controlled by AI.
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Thanks chief for all the post in the last day or so.
I enjoyed your views on cricket games and well cricket.
I don't just come on here for updates and screens,video.
I just wish ross would open up a little more and well talk cricket.
If you guys can not show us the goodies then if you have time
just talk to us about well anything cricket.

Also about stamina, yes the bowlers had it in ic2010 and ashes 2009
but the batsmen recovered to fast.
I do see your point about the cricketers these days are well very fit.
Still maybe few small things you could do like.

Like running fast ones or threes when your 250 not out.
Slog button is a lot more dangerous when tired.
Defending to a break to get stamina back.
Injuries like the others have said
Little things plus more, just can't think of any at the moment.:cheers
Hi Chief, thanks for the feedback you've given through this thread!

I was just wondering if you've had a chance to glance through my thread titled "Some Ideas - Sorry, long post" and if you can shed any light on if any of those mechanics (or similar) will be seen in AC13?

From memory the idea of moving the timing window was floating around back in the AC09 days.

I don't have a clue how this idea came to my head and I know it won't be implemented but, I like the idea of a "bonus related challenge system"!
By that I mean every say 5 or 10 overs you are presented with a challenge.
E.g= first 5 overs of a test match your challenge is to score 20 runs for no wicket. If you succeed you get a boost to your batters stamina. However if you fail, the opositions bowlers get a stamina boost.
For some reason I like that idea. And obviously you should have the option to accept yes or no for challenges.
You could implement this in other ways of course, take a hat trick for an extreme bowler stat boost. Score only 20 runs in an odi power play and your batters suffer a confidence drop. You could in essence have a challenge list on the pause menu like on halo games. Just a thought anyway. Would be interesting to see if chief likes that idea as a possible addition to a later game release.
A bowler should definitely get a stamina boost with wickets or with good bowling that defeats the batsmen consistently. It happens in real cricket and should be featured as such in the upcoming title.
Hi Chief
Just started following the game and I am hoping that we get a memorable one this time. I have 3 questions hope you can answer
my first question is in regards to the appearance of a player, in IC 2010 the player body model looked terrible compared a player from madden or fifa what is being done to make sure that the player models look as lifelike as possible

Secondly is player creation going to changed, the best system seen was by sidhe in NZ(link to their demo Rugby Challenge Player Editor - YouTube) when they made Rugby Challenge. is there going to be something as complex in your game

finally i would like to ask if players heights, weights will change for example will Mitchell Starc have a different build to Phillip Hughes

I'll check on this (I can't remember *every* detail perfectly) but I *think* that we've had stamina for every player in the two previous games, although the only ones where you really noticed it was for pace bowlers, or spinners that that had bowled really long spells. It was recovered at breaks (or overnight) and was tied to weather conditions.
In fact, pretty much everything you guys have been mentioning.

I think personally though that you're perhaps over-stating the importance, particularly for batsmen: I can't remember the last time I saw someone really struggling for stamina at the crease: usually they become mentally tired and do something silly before they tire physically enough for it to cost them a wicket (we also had that in previous games).

I'll double check my details on this, but I think that was case, and we certainly intend to do all that again.

So no chance of playing a Dhoni like innings and watch the batsman struggle for breathe in the death overs?
Also does stamina and injury probability carry over matches like in Fifa?
Also does stamina and injury probability carry over matches like in Fifa?

There's been no word of an international tour or season mode, so that might not be possible. Although I certainly hope that the main part of the game, the Ashes series, has fatigue and injuries. Something like in 2005 when McGrath was injured before the 2nd Test but came back to play in the 3rd and 5th.
Hi cheif first of all many thanks for creating cricket game and my wishes to you and developers.
My question is already i posted in ashes cricket 2013 forum as suggestions din't got any answers yet kindly can u provide here.
1.)Is there any possibility of separate Sprint button for bowlers to run while pressing that button like RT in pes and fifa games,not only for bowlers even batsmens,fielders so that it creates lot more fun like running btw wickets and chasing ball in the fielding?If it's too late to suggest this no problem chief atleast consider in future cricket games the fun of running btw wickets and chasing ball on outfield in cricket games missing.
2.)Full freedom to set Fielding anywhere we want with in the rules is it included?
3.)Players ratings should vary with their positions like in pes games if u change the player position from middle order to opener suppose his batting position is 5 and his rating is say 85 if he's changed to opener his rating should be 74 like tat it creates strategy and if special skills are mentioned it will help to create strategies visually.It helps newbie to think not to open with Less Skilled Lower Order Player as Opener or Move up the order.He will think before he change the batting order.
4.)Rain impact on games like wetout fields causing slow outfields,dry wicket suddenly starts swinging and seaming this makes test even onedays more intresting with the sudden change in weather conditions.
5.)Strategy preparation will make game more intresting like momentum shift,confidence of player,stamina,little targets to set in test and odi's will make game more intresting if they where shown visually on screen with popups.

Plz chief provide some info regarding thie i'm so curious about this game became my most wanted game for this year,sorry for long posting.
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