Australia in South Africa

Who will win?

  • Aus test, odi series

    Votes: 25 28.7%
  • Aus test, SA odi series

    Votes: 40 46.0%
  • SA test, Aus odi series

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • SA test, SA odi series

    Votes: 18 20.7%

  • Total voters
irottev said:
Thats ****ing ridiculas. Australia pay for taking shiity bowlers.

Why didn't "the worlds best bowler" bowl 10 overs?

This game is unreal. I really don't want to believe it happened. Poor bowlers.

What was the pitch like? I mean the bowling must of been the worst ever.

Im annoyed SA won the series. Injury to Ponting and Symodns early is what cost them.

I hear Bracken dropped Gibbs. Argh!!

I simply dont understand why Mick Lewis is playing?? He is simply not good. And at age 31 I dont see him improving. He hardly looks like he's gonna cause any harm.

cricket doctor said:
How many times you have seen 434 being made in ODIs and chased?????

That reply was in the context of your earlier post.
Pontins captaincy must have been absolutly shocking. Why did Lewis bowl 10 overs?

Lewis got pounded against us too. Hes easy pickings. The Australian selectors have absoutly no idea.

They wern't helped by having no McGrath though. SA would definatly not of won if they had McGrath. Why didn't Ponting defend? If he did how the hell did they score soo many runs.
Ponting was pretty bad. He took of the spinner when they were doing well and let Lewis bowl his full 10. Also for aobut 6 overs he had 5 men in the covers, so Gibbs could get easy boundaries.
irottev said:
Pontins captaincy must have been absolutly shocking. Why did Lewis bowl 10 overs?

Lewis got pounded against us too. Hes easy pickings. The Australian selectors have absoutly no idea.

They wern't helped by having no McGrath though. SA would definatly not of won if they had McGrath. Why didn't Ponting defend? If he did how the hell did they score soo many runs.

SA were helped by no McGrath ans AUS by no Pollock . That pretty much evens out.
WTF just happened. How in Gods name did we just lose with 434 on the board. You have got to be joking me. Lewis has to be sacked, so to Clark. What happened to our best bowler in the world? Geez I cannot believe it.
What happened? I wake up happy to know we posted a record and we lose!?
This has got to be one of the worst days in history!
Full credit to them but now I have to sit through 3 years of my friend teasing me how Australia made the biggest total ever and SA chase it down! :crying
well, u cant say tht aussie days are over!!!!

Any one can strike any time......This is cricket now.... This Follows the principle Of Darwin's "THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST..."

There is a lot of uncertainity devloped now a days...especially in ODI's!!!!

Even if Zimbabwe had plyed the innings like this,its nothing to be suprised!!!!

So we have to praise both the teams for giving such a exciting match for us to watch!!!!

We have to praise both the teams for their effort in making 400 run plus in ODIs as its not easy to get in 300 balls!!!!

So as a true cricketer,anyone would hve enjoyed this game!!!!!
waqar younis said:
australia best days are over

Add McGrath and their best days are still there just! :) If he was bowling today we would have won. But same goes for SA if Pollock was bowling who knows. Lee would have bowled better with McGrath too. McGrath is the key for the Aussies.

One positive from the game Australia is the first ever team to reach 400. :happy
Victories come and go in the sports!!!!! Thts the way any sport is bieng played!!!!

Not to under estimate anyone by their defeat!!!
Not to over estimate anyone by their victories!!!!
aussie1st said:
Add McGrath and their best days are still there just! :) If he was bowling today we would have won. But same goes for SA if Pollock was bowling who knows. Lee would have bowled better with McGrath too. McGrath is the key for the Aussies.

One positive from the game Australia is the first ever team to reach 400. :happy

SA also had to fill the absence of Nel, which is hard to do with what he adds to the team. When I woke up I was expecting SA to post 150, with Smith commenting on how Australia choked in the first five overs :laugh. Now he's going to have an absolute field day criticising their ability to defend and judge the game. Ponting, which can be forgiven on any other day, probably went in with too much over-confidence and it caused the team to become too complacent. Can't understand how he used Lee though, and their could have been a case for using Michael Clarke to take the pace off the ball.
Gillespie wouldn'tve let it happen :p

Went to sleep after the first innings, thought they'd get bowled out for about 120. Amazing stuff, don't think there could ever be a better game of cricket from a batting perspective.

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