Australia needs a new captain

I have nothing to add to this thread right now, but if I post here it makes tomie's and bushy's quest to have started every thread on the first page that little bit harder.
I thought AB Medal was based on votes polled from a panel consisting of umpires, players and journos.

Yes it is, but it is for every Test and One day match, whilst their are awards for Test player of the year and ODI player of the year. Katich doesn't play ODI's hence him not winning the AB medal.
white has captained victoria to win allmost every thing
Victoria ain't Australia. And Victoria's opposition ain't the World. And Victoria never plays outside Australia.

I've captained my team to successive titles in school too. Make me Indian captain, now.
You want a guy who is not even a regular in the aussie side to become the captain of Australia!:rtfl This century's biggest joke! :rtfl
As long as he doesn't bowl or bat, whatever. Make him the Queen of Australia, even.
How can people speculate about anybodys captaincy if they don't even know what goes on in the dressing rooms and on the field?? Just because Australia aren't getting the results we are all used to doesn't mean Ponting is a terrible captain. The only people who really know are the players and anybody involved with the team. And by what they say he is a true born leader.
I'm going by what I see from the field. He looks lost when the team gets clobbered. May just be me, but I feel when the team is sinking is the time when a captain should be the most pro-active, the most energetic, never give up. Ponting just loses it. And that drops him in my eyes.

But yea, I agree, for all we know he may be a fantastic influence backstage. He might be a real leader. It just doesn't show on the field sadly, and he isn't exactly great at press conferences or at public announcements. And a few bad decisions here and there, doesn't help their cause.
I could write a 3 page long response to the stupidity of this thread. Not even going to bother.

Jakester1288 added 1 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

:eek::eek::eek: NOWAY .......... so far Hussey has capytained us for 3-4 games and everytime we have lost :rolleyes:

Yeah, because it's his fault that his bowlers bowled like **** and couldn't defend scores like 330, 340 and upwards of 350 aye. :rolleyes:
Yeah well give me Warne and Mcgrath and i will win you all the world cups you want.

His captaincy has never won a match for Australia , Warne was the only guy who was a born leader after , mark taylor and steve waugh.

The reason Australia is in a mess is because he has no brains
:help , i mean look he is defending Brad Haddin rather than making a example out of him.

Ricky ponting is the worst bloke on this planet after GW Bush of course :D;)

No mate, the reason Australia aren't winning as consistently and as easily as they did previously is because they don't have the bowlers. It's as simple as that.

Set as many tactically brilliant fields as you like, if you don't have the bowlers then you don't take 20 wickets. If you don't take 20 wickets, you don't win.

Australia performed OK in their first few series post-Mcgrath and Warne because their other two quicks, Lee and Clark, had some experience and bowled well. They both then got injured and. or went off the boil, meaning Australia is now operating with an attack where a bloke with <20 tests is the spearhead. Take the two best bowlers out of any test side at the moment and see how they go.

And even with such an inexperienced attack, Australia had SA in massive strife in all three of the recent tests, but only won one - mostly because of SA's excellence, but also partly because they didn't have an experienced enough attack to close the deal. And I include the tests in whic Lee played because he was either injured in both or bowling mud pies, which meant the less experienced guys had greater emphasis placed on them.

Add an extra 20 tests to those blokes, and Australia probably (can't say for certain of course) win that series, maybe even win it 3-0.

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