OTHER Big Ant Studios Lacrosse - PlayStation3, Xbox360, PC

you would have to be pretty na?ve to think you could get a title like this developed for $210,000

Pfft, what do you know... Give me 100k and I'll give you a Lacrosse game in a few days*

Really can't see the issues that are being driven at....

Listen, as a backer of this project I'm not funding it for "goodies" I'm simply backing it because this kinda quirky sports game stuff SHOULD be getting made (much like cinema these days is an endless bore of sequels). Plus, it'll make other games you make better (read: Cricket) so it's win/win. I'm less interested in the wording of particular rewards. Now, do the needful and go kickstart a golf game, slap Tendulkar on the cover or whatever.

*may or may not be card game
Listen, as a backer of this project I'm not funding it for "goodies" I'm simply backing it because this kinda quirky sports game stuff SHOULD be getting made (much like cinema these days is an endless bore of sequels). Plus, it'll make other games you make better (read: Cricket) so it's win/win. I'm less interested in the wording of particular rewards. Now, do the needful and go kickstart a golf game, slap Tendulkar on the cover or whatever.

Nah chuck Vijay Singh* on the cover. That will appeal to the Indian market.

I know he isn't Indian
i think maybe Chief, having had his fingers burnt, is being uber careful.

to me, backer is a better word because it implies the element of risk in a kickstarter project (not this one specifically)... it might fail.

as a customer, the caveat emptor applies but that's more about getting a shoddy product, not pumping money in to a project to create a product... fine line, but i am with Chief on that.

regarding the budget stuff, it's obviously not my domain but i must say i assumed the budget was small a)because if you don't hit it you get nothing, the project was clear that if more is collected it leads to more in the game. and b)i always thought there would be more money from other sources, this was about adding "polish"... so with Ross on that.

Either way, I look forward to my "reward" and hope it's a good game. (Ross, if you want to call in the cricket commentators while the lacrosse guys are recording my name, that's fine by me. it's "Connors"...)
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PS: People do treat the "reward" as a right and are pissed if they don't get it.

Absolutely. Legally it IS a right: the creator is obliged to fulfill every reward OR refund the money. But by the time the rewards are in doubt, the money has been usually spent and what then? Legal action? Bankrupcy? Anger.

This is why I think the semantics are INCREDIBLY important: with language like "pre-order" people forget that the reason they funded it was to support a developer in trying to make something they cared about. Kickstarter exists in the hope that all creative projects could be treated like labours of love and not business transactions. Totally transparent, community funded/advised, creator-built.
Proper next-gen stuff.
It will no doubt be a labour of love as I know the guys who will be on it will try to make it the best they can, they are an incredibly professionally proud bunch of guys.

We will produce a game if the Kickstarter is successful and people can expect that with very little risk.

No idea really what your getting at... anyway I'll retire confused...
It will no doubt be a labour of love as I know the guys who will be on it will try to make it the best they can, they are an incredibly professionally proud bunch of guys.

We will produce a game if the Kickstarter is successful and people can expect that with very little risk.

No idea really what your getting at... anyway I'll retire confused...

As I said in the initial blast, I have no absolutely no doubts whatsoever about YOUR Kickstarter! I was talking about Kickstarter in general!
It will no doubt be a labour of love as I know the guys who will be on it will try to make it the best they can, they are an incredibly professionally proud bunch of guys.
Are you going to be having any of the people who worked on those past Lacrosse games coming over here to work directly on it, or do you otherwise have Lacrosse players/fans working on the game?
you would have to be pretty na?ve to think you could get a title like this developed for $210,000

zomg! That makes me pretty naive then. Convert that to Rupees and it's like :eek:
Are you going to be having any of the people who worked on those past Lacrosse games coming over here to work directly on it, or do you otherwise have Lacrosse players/fans working on the game?

There are a couple of locals that played with Carlo in PA, we're heavily reliant on them for advice on tactics etc.

It helps that they have already made some XBLA titles as we have also used them as reference.

Game analysis is my specialty so I'm looking forward to the challenge, people think that as an Aussie my working for NFL clubs for five years was odd, I think this is a step up on that :)


zomg! That makes me pretty naive then. Convert that to Rupees and it's like :eek:

Cricket is easily more than 10x that budget, how much :eek: do I get for that :)
Lacrosse 14 is Kickstarter #3 in the top ten on Kicktraq

Thanks guys!
Lacrosse 14 is Kickstarter #3 in the top ten on Kicktraq

Thanks guys!

Its #2 now :) Congrats guys

Added a small[very small considering your goal] contribution from my side also . Dont know anything about the game. But thats one of the very few things i can do for what you have done for cricket gaming
Its #2 now :) Congrats guys

Added a small[very small considering your goal] contribution from my side also . Dont know anything about the game. But thats one of the very few things i can do for what you have done for cricket gaming

Thanks for your support and thanks for letting me know - I'll go Tweet that out now... I'm starting to catch up with the kool kids on here :)
Twitter is very cool. Or Kool. Or Cewl. Learn how to make that thing work for you and it's endless fun.

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