CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

Hi Boss. Don?t get me wrong. I really like your patch, and for me it is by far the best one around. EA should employ you to fine tune their next cricket game before they release it, because they certainly don?t. I do though have a few problems with and queries about how your patch plays. So here goes.

I already gave my opinion a few times about (or the lack off) the front foot defensive shot, and that is that it is very annoying, and make me uncompetitive (test match, hard) by too many dismissals either being given LBW or being caught on square leg. Just as an example; in one game against Australia, they for some or other reason didn?t once have a fielder at square leg, and because of that I scored a nice score of 473 with two of my batsmen scoring 100?s. For any other game, with a fielder on square leg I usually average around 120 per innings, with almost never having a batsman score a fifty.

I also find with playing back foot shots on the offside (as well as the front foot drive towards point), that more often than not the batsman is being caught, and that is because the ball is always played in the air.

My final problem is again with the square leg fielder, and this time it is when I play a normal pull shot to a short pitch delivery. More often than not the square leg fielder catches it as the ball is also always played in the air.

For that reason, I very seldom attempt any back foot shots, even if I get a juicy short ball too cut or pull. Perhaps my timing is out on these shots or my batsman?s confidence needs to be up before I attempt it? It might also just be that the hard level is too difficult for how I think it should play.

I really hope I am not annoying you with al my moaning. My only wish is to have the game as close as possible to being an accurate simulation to real life cricket.

Hey boss, In this edition on hard mode I am getting no edges at all. I bowl a good line outside offstump bowling various delivery's but still nothing. The CPU simply smashes it through the covers for 4. I don't know if you designed for this to happen or it is just me but it is a little annoying to see the batsmen smash balls for 4 which in your previous patches would have been edges or flicked into the air.
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i would have to say that the patch is good however i would like the sweep shot to be given much more power and the leg glance more power.
also can u make the power more consistent with the on drive and straight drive one time it will will go to the fence but then the next time the ball doesnt pass the the bowler im sure im timing the ball correctly.
can u make the the pull shot easyer to time or give it more power plz
i like what uve done with the out field speed and with the shot range now u can actually hit the ball behind square and im sure ur aware of the blocking bug
danielcloete said:
I also find with playing back foot shots on the offside (as well as the front foot drive towards point), that more often than not the batsman is being caught, and that is because the ball is always played in the air.

My final problem is again with the square leg fielder, and this time it is when I play a normal pull shot to a short pitch delivery. More often than not the square leg fielder catches it as the ball is also always played in the air.

For that reason, I very seldom attempt any back foot shots, even if I get a juicy short ball too cut or pull. Perhaps my timing is out on these shots or my batsman?s confidence needs to be up before I attempt it? It might also just be that the hard level is too difficult for how I think it should play.

I really hope I am not annoying you with al my moaning. My only wish is to have the game as close as possible to being an accurate simulation to real life cricket.


u hit the nail on the head mate!!! i completely agree with wat u quoted there!!! actually i juz came here to let boss know that the back foot shots needed a whole lot of tweaking to be done!! nuthing offensive or nuthing at all against such a commendable patch maker!! but i juz felt i shuld let ya know the backfoot shots....especially on the off are completely atrocious!!! am juz not able to keep 'em down!! fine if ur to get a couple of edges when the ball is too good!! or the shot is timed too late!! but i juz discovered that i got edges which slipped right down the throat of the slipper!!! i wuldnt mind saying that was like a 9/10 times!!!! NOW!!! THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG!!!!! isnt it folks???? cheez!! hope u get rid o' tat dude!! ur doing a good job as it is..but this one fixed and u culd stake ur patch with the best ones around!! cheez again!! :cheers
Hi Boss,your patch is really nice and I am enjoying it .There is only one issue for me and that is when I start hitting for six ,boundries are unstopable so I think it is needed to make six shot bit thougher as I am finiding it easier than the previous version in hard mode.

Besides can you tweak cpu batting in such a way that it does try to hit six hit pull shot to full toss as whenever it does clean bowled,Insead of that straight hitting or mid on or mid wicket fron foot shot or backfoot straight shot is more preferable if you can tweak it cpu to play mixture or any of these shots.Keep the patches coming.
after playing with the different configs the patch would close to perfect as it is if u could fix that ff block problem
(using test match configs on med difficulty)
id also like to see the cover drive tweaked slightly so the ball can go through more through the covers rather than through 3rd man this seems to be happening with half volleys wide of off stump
i want to congratulate u for making the cpu bowlers capable of bowling an appropriate line and bowl with variety. left hand pace bowlers (cpu) now nolonger bowl outside leg stump to right hand batters and brad hogg no longer bowls long hops on leg stump to right hand batters.
not that its a big issue but ive noticed that the straight dive goes through mid on more than mid off and the on drive goes through mid off more than mid on
Thanks to all of u who provide the replies. Nice to see such a healthy dose of comm abt CGPv2. Keep on coming. Although i can't add replies to all of u'r posts at the moment(due to heavy work), kindly remember!, i do read each and every post of you and also willing to make the bug fix. Will try to add replies whenever possible.


boss said:
Hi All!,

Thank u for u'r exceptional support and timely replies abt the patch. Surprise gift for u!, For u'r convenience i re-made the entire configs with few changes (like bowling with small cursor, edge fix..), but all the other features in CGPv2 remains same.

Download Cool Game Play Patch Version:2 Re-Release For EAC"2005 (Simply CGPv2RR) from the Attachment Now!!! (Size: 288 kb)


1. Now Total of 6 configs provided for different formats of the game. (When we Bat (for varied line and length from the CPU bowler - 3 cons, When we Bowl (Small bowling cursor for good control) - 3 cons). (Tip: Anyhow i suggest to play with the big cursor for who considers the bowling a bit boring.)

2. Excessive Edge probs in Test Matches Fixed. (Tip: Anyhow don't go for the strokes outside off stump early on in the innings. It still give the bowler a chance.)

3. Forward Defensive Shot Corrected a bit. Still not sure in green top pitches.

(Tip to who think abt the FW Def shot more than anything else): Come on freinds!, is it that serious FW def shot for u?. Particularly in Hard/Normal Mode, if u get the yorker length ball or slightly short of yorker length ball from CPU, rather than forward def shot, you may play either leg-glance or on-drive easily to avoid LBW/Bowled. I used to get lot of runs whenever CPU bowls on full into mid/leg. U Know there is lot of help in the pitches in Hard/Normal Mode for the bowlers. Even Small errors in judgement of line/length can cause u'r wicket. If the pitch seems to support the bowlers, u need to be positive and have to take some chances rather than pushing, blocking. What's the point then?.So don't critise me for that there after :rolleyes: ).


Same Method prescribed in CGPv2 installation, but with the change. You need to change the configs accordingly whenever we bat or bowl for the big cursor probelm.

I'm waiting for more and more comm/fbs/revs and whatever thinks abt the patch in here.

Happy Gaming!


Hey man that was a damn cursor. i came running to inform that i'm glad that it's already fixed.

cos i have mighty task a head of me to defend 201 runs aganist WI..i'll counting on vaasy and murali...
what's your bet bro... how would win(HARD MODE)
Reached 10000 views Land Mark...

First of All, i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of the members/mods/admin in PC Team. Coz, our thread reaches 10000 views exactly in a month. Cheers to ALL. :cheers

Thread Stats:

Started on: 16.08.2005 (Today: 16.09.2005)

Views: 10084* (at an avg of whopping 325 views per day)

Replies: 250* (at an avg of 8 replies per day)

Thank u once again for making this thread such a huge hit, even outplayed CGP thread in Cricket'2004. So all now i wish is the same trend continues and i always here to provide my best for PC Team.

robertporter said:
great patch i really like it

thank u mate for u'r app.

kamrandahir said:
**Post deleted**

Wrong thread to post this mate!.

charithnirmal said:
Hey man that was a damn cursor. i came running to inform that i'm glad that it's already fixed.

cos i have mighty task a head of me to defend 201 runs aganist WI..i'll counting on vaasy and murali...
what's your bet bro... how would win(HARD MODE)

yap!, the cursor prob is fixed!. You can defend this total, only if u get early wickets. that too possible if u bowl wisely. i.e, pace/line/length variation. Eventhen if u don't get any success, bring in Murli. He will done the job for u.

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boss you are great and always help everyone for any problem. Cheers to you. I cant try your new patch right now because right now in our PC super cup we are required to use Tutsi patch. I will soon try it and will post my review :) .
Hey kamrandahir, this is not the thread to post your AI patches. This thread is for boss's patches. Plz refrain from spamming in this thread and in Tutsi's thread
Yes you must have posted this post in about 5 or 6 threads so please dont, just post it in your own thread.
Sorry For This Time Next Time Be Careful
I Apologize

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