Commonwealth Bank Series (Australia, India, Sri Lanka)

Well I don't think It'll be so easy for India to have Pleasure..
Danger Aussis in the pressure to deliver make them more danger..
Only think India can do is by keeping the momentum with them.Its against up to Sachin to give India flayer start..I don't expect much change from both of the sides..because that won't gonna help either of them..
Other worries for India include Sachin's groan injury which got only 36 hours to recover.Ishant who is still doubtful for tomorrow..

Groan :p ,is he having troubling groaning whilst he bowls :p
Yeah Dave Hussey definately deserves a go...Symonds, Clarke or Hopes would have to make way.
Our bowling looked poor last match but that was the first time all series we've bowled average. if it wasnt for our bowlers we wouldnt even be in the finals.

Out of that bunch would be either Symonds or Clarke, Symonds having the poorer series would be my pick of course no changes on that batting front will occur. Hopes saved himself by being the pick of the bowlers.
Well we have some unofficial news that Ishant is not playing tomorrow..:eek:
Srisant gonna take his place:mad..Some real worries for India..:noway

Groan :p ,is he having troubling groaning whilst he bowls :p

Groin..Sorry..I was in bit HURRY...:D
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The rest of the Indian bowlers did a good job well apart from Pathan. They were accurate and consistent in pace compared to our bowlers who were all over the place.
Wouldn't surprise me, we have had some shockers in Brisbane in the past few years. The movement has caused our batsmen all sorts of problems and given we already have problems there we could be in for an even worst collapse than our past 2 games.
From what I head on InsideCricket last night we might go with the four quicks and leave Hoggy out, I hope not.
Ya Condition will be suitable for Bowler..So both the side will love to lose the toss..because both the Captains will be on big danger for decision.
Actually Despite of good bowling condition If batsman of opposite side on fires or same side gonna bowl all over the place then Condition won't gonna help..
Srisanth should feel himself lucky if he gonna pick up for tomorrow..He need to regain his form..
2 possible outcomes with Sreesanth:

1) Gilchrist and Hayden will kill him and his bowling figures will be summat like 0-34 of 4 overs...

2) He will rips through the top order.
Ya but after seen his recent performances..I think chance of 1st outcome is most probable.:p
All talking about Sreesanth, is Ishant not playing today :confused:
:D It was meant to put him off not fire him up! I am going to shut up from now on! :eek:

Good knock though:hpraise:clap

:D Maybe Mrs Little Master has been groaning and it has injured an ear?

lol..I really wanted you to say about Sachin today...:p
Your jinxed thing working great for
Could be Sachin's last innings in Australia. The way we batted at the SCG doesn't look good for Australia. I like to think a couple of the big names will fire at the Gabba.

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