Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Hey Ross,
Was just wondering if the hair length can be made 'manual' in the future versions of this game. Basically we would choose a base hairstyle, and then choose its length using a slider :).

If you ever want to expand the player creator (though personally I feel for sports games, the current one is actually more than enough), do look at the 'Create a Wrestler' mode from the wwe games by THQ/Yukes.

Great idea mate.:thumbs
How much fun is this!

Great job BigAnt! This is pretty fun and some people have created some amazing likenesses.
A couple of things:
I like the previous suggestion of manually changing hair lengths.
Could there be a simpler way to locate the country of origin for created players? It's a bit tedious having to scroll through the whole list. Could you add a search by alphabet?
Also, I think some of the variables for changing shapes could do with a few little tweaks. Some adjustments don't quite give enough depth/height/width, though what's there is fantastic.
Ears - as this is a beta I understand there won't be all the features, but I think there needs to be more ear options in regards type and also height on a head.

Again, great job! Get this game right and you'll have a huge base of fans to build a game franchise with.
Ross in the career stats section why is there no Tests or ODIs option?
Yeah, when I'm playing an international match I want to be able to see international stats not domestic (unless a player is making their international debut)
so eye size, helmet size and hair length control should be included in next updates.

As someone said earlier, the usuage of could will sound better than should.
And hair length can be tricky, might not even see the light of day for this release.
As someone said earlier, the usuage of could will sound better than should.
And hair length can be tricky, might not even see the light of day for this release.

ya, could is better than should
and nba2k13 player editor has hair length slider, works flawless there, only ross knows will it be a bug if included in ca.
ya, could is better than should
and nba2k13 player editor has hair length slider, works flawless there, only ross knows will it be a bug if included in ca.

Yeah, hair length option would be amazing, I can imagine it would not be at all simple to implement though, also beard length.
On the randomiser front, we are on it - expect most of what you ask and more in the first patch (not sure about name though).

Seems odd to me that someone would complain that a randomiser is too... random.

Anyway thanks for adding some new eyeglasses styles in the latest update Ross. My player version of myself is now a lot more accurate. :cheers
ross, can we get options for mouth color? some people have extremely red lips while someone has brown lips irrespective of their skin color.

And also shoulder length...broader or smaller.
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I think the default arm size, hand size should all be set to 0 instead of halfway, which are really rugby arms not cricket :P and 100% is Huge.

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