Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

It effectively becomes a demo if nets are in.

My point exactly! Given Ross has categorically ruled out demo and has always stated CA is just a tool to create/modify the "data" for the game, Nets doesn't seem to tie-in with CA.

If Nets are indeed tied into the CA, that would mean a different version of CA on consoles compared to PC as the game has been 'locked down" as per Ross. Or maybe Ross was bluffing all along and the game is being tweaked as we speak and is yet to be submitted for the platform approvals.
I'd think we're all just reading way to far into it.

The Cricket Academy beta is just a subset of the overall game - it doesn't necessarily relate to what is in the Cricket Academy portion of the game itself.

We're just the test subjects to whatever crumbs of the full game they want to throw down.
I'd think we're all just reading way to far into it.

The Cricket Academy beta is just a subset of the overall game - it doesn't necessarily relate to what is in the Cricket Academy portion of the game itself.

We're just the test subjects to whatever crumbs of the full game they want to throw down.

If CA beta is a subset of the overall game and not the player editor, and we are the test subjects, if you will, I don't see how the final game could be "locked down" and submitted for platform approvals. That's where I have the disconnect.
If CA beta is a subset of the overall game and not the player editor, and we are the test subjects, if you will, I don't see how the final game could be "locked down" and submitted for platform approvals. That's where I have the disconnect.
By patching the final game down the track if there are features added to the CA that are not able to be pushed through via it.

They can apparently add some degree of features by the games connecting with the Cricket Academy's servers - without modifying the core game code.
You lost me there Ross. I thought Cricket Academy was just a player editor whereas Nets would be more gameplay related. So how exactly can you have Nets in Cricket Academy? In the game yes but in CA I would think no.

CA essentially allows us to create or modify "data" in the central repository which various platforms will read the data from and use it in the game. Nets on the other hand is not data and I fail to understand how Nets are related to CA and how you can "lock down the game" but add Nets as part of CA coz CA will be part of the game and will also need to be locked down as part of platform approval process. Do let me know what I'm missing here.

My memory of it (I didn't do it myself) was that we took a copy of the full game a while back, maybe six months and pruned it back to just have the Player Editor. As the game progressed we updated what we thought was required in Cricket Academy.

The game is locked down, Cricket Academy is not. We have the ability to add features to Cricket Academy by copying them from the main game code.

Copying the Nets across would not be without risk for us as it takes the mystique of the full experience away and removes the surprise factor of the new systems. It is also costly to do as we would have to do full QA on it, if it had bugs then that would be disastrous for us (same went for the original Cricket Academy release, serious flaws/bugs would have killed us and made us a laughing stock - it was a very risky move.)

The way I see it is that you all have invested in this game with your time and feedback (particularly on Cricket Academy) and it is much appreciated. I don't want to be seen as teasing you with this, I was just sharing with you our processes and what we are thinking about as we go. At the moment the feeling is mostly negative towards including the Nets in Cricket Academy, and with respect, I should not have mentioned it.
My memory of it (I didn't do it myself) was that we took a copy of the full game a while back, maybe six months and pruned it back to just have the Player Editor. As the game progressed we updated what we thought was required in Cricket Academy.

The game is locked down, Cricket Academy is not. We have the ability to add features to Cricket Academy by copying them from the main game code.

Copying the Nets across would not be without risk for us as it takes the mystique of the full experience away and removes the surprise factor of the new systems. It is also costly to do as we would have to do full QA on it, if it had bugs then that would be disastrous for us (same went for the original Cricket Academy release, serious flaws/bugs would have killed us and made us a laughing stock - it was a very risky move.)

The way I see it is that you all have invested in this game with your time and feedback (particularly on Cricket Academy) and it is much appreciated. I don't want to be seen as teasing you with this, I was just sharing with you our processes and what we are thinking about as we go. At the moment the feeling is mostly negative towards including the Nets in Cricket Academy, and with respect, I should not have mentioned it.

Thanks for clearing it up and it answers my question around the game being locked down. I would agree with your assessment of not including Nets in CA as it would add more time, cost and effort to get it right. CA (player editor) wasn't such a risk as it was an editor and also the payoff was that folks could create player models which could be used later on. With Nets there's huge risk coz if you get it wrong, the gameplay gets panned which would be a killer and also there's no tangible benefit similar to getting player models via crowdsourcing.

Instead of adding Nets in the CA I would rather have the "playtest sessions" which you have already mentioned earlier. It would raise awareness and would reduce the risk significantly.
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We would always do the play sessions, it's been a feature of every game we've done - I truly beleive people should have a real idea of what they are purchasing. I love them too as it allows me to speak one on one with people, made some good friends song the way at these.
We would always do the play sessions, it's been a feature of every game we've done - I truly beleive people should have a real idea of what they are purchasing. I love them too as it allows me to speak one on one with people, made some good friends song the way at these.

Then Nets in CA are redundant IMO as they would never present the true picture of the game like a demo would and simply add to the risk. Stick to gameplay sessions and let folks get their hands on the game/gameplay when you release it.
Can you talk about what options you have in nets ross, is it simple or more complex version. Like pick bowler,ball they are to bowl, right and left batsmen so on and difficulty level. Does the commentary have anything to say in this mode. Thanks for your time again, can't wait to see these play sessions when they come on soon I hope, maybe have pc member like MattW to show us as he plays the game and talks to you and your team. We love that kind of thing.:thumbs this rate, the whole game is going to be spoiled by October. I reckon just take a sabbatical or go shack up on a beach in Thailand for the next four months if you're not in control of your patience... and wait for the game. Happy nets are in, pleased it's a surprise for the final game and not hacked into the CA Beta. this rate, the whole game is going to be spoiled by October. I reckon just take a sabbatical or go shack up on a beach in Thailand for the next four months if you're not in control of your patience... and wait for the game. Happy nets are in, pleased it's a surprise for the final game and not hacked into the CA Beta.

I think Ross is the one who should go for that vacation. As long as he is here,people including me will keep asking for more and more...
How much work have your team put in to batting/bowling animations? Are they look crisp and smooth? Or jittery like A09/I10?
How much work have your team put in to batting/bowling animations? Are they look crisp and smooth? Or jittery like A09/I10?

He has already confirmed it looks very jittery...more jittery than AC09. He believes it adds to the character and the majority here agrees. I am sure you can find the link regarding this announcement in the sticky thread titled "what we know...."

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