Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Need to bust the search function out, but for memory Mikey did confirm this I think. Good question though, I imagine it's just a simple case of changing the field-set (or a custom one) for fast bowlers with the keeper up?
Yeah, he did, long time back though.
Thanks, my memory does work!
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thanks matt, its still not allowing it!! ill carry on with 97a till something comes up!!

Scrub that I did it again and it worked!!!!!!! thank f*** for that!!!!!! thanks matt

Good to know that you got it working.

Off topic : Does Norton give you other problems as well? This maybe a radical suggestion but perhaps you should get another antivirus sooner or later. Norton isn't the best these days like it was in the old.

By the way, I think you had uninstalled C++ the first time when your mrs couldn't do her shopping. :p


thank you so much...problem solved...its perfect now:cheers

Glad to know you are up and running. Ross is the one you should really thank. He was the one who got me the 0.97 file. :D
Yea i was we'll outta my comfort zone!!! Glad matt helped me!!!! I'm making my club team ATM, it went back to windows when I went to share a player but ill just fill the team edit it until I'm happy then try to upload the full squad!

Does anyone know how to assign wicketkeepers?? In the fielding kits option all my players have wicketkeeper kit and I don't know how to remove it!
Yea i was we'll outta my comfort zone!!! Glad matt helped me!!!! I'm making my club team ATM, it went back to windows when I went to share a player but ill just fill the team edit it until I'm happy then try to upload the full squad!

Does anyone know how to assign wicketkeepers?? In the fielding kits option all my players have wicketkeeper kit and I don't know how to remove it!

you assign the wicketkeeper when you have more than 12 people in the roster and can set a batting lineup. it's done in the lineup.

the pads/gloves stuff in fielding kit is just what that player will wear if he is assigned as keeper. they won't be wearing it if they aren't set as the keeper, so you don't have to worry about removing it.


ross did you ever get a landing on the problem of CA showing only one player... i.e. it only shows one player in place of every others, including bradman, and it doesn't change ever or reflect any identity changes (e.g. hairstyle)

it never happened to me in v97, I can't remember if it happened on v99 or only v99a.

also, it happens on one computer, not the other.
Thanks block, I guess if I'd got that far I would have got it!!!! I did wonder if I'd have 25 wicketkeepers!!!!!
@ajh - no worries
@ross - I uninstalled CA, then installed from v99 (not update) then updated to 99a and now I don't seem to have the problem of it sticking on one player. previously I had updated from v97 so I don't know if the issue is there somewhere...
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so it's definitely that if you change any details of a "default" player they are no longer linkable...

this is a nut ache for me as I made changes to help me identify who I hadn't switched or to see who's name it was.

any way to effectively "reset" just these ones? other than putting all my players/teams I have linked to the server and restarting with a fresh save file?
so it's definitely that if you change any details of a "default" player they are no longer linkable...

this is a nut ache for me as I made changes to help me identify who I hadn't switched or to see who's name it was.

any way to effectively "reset" just these ones? other than putting all my players/teams I have linked to the server and restarting with a fresh save file?

I'll try to get to this today, there is to be a 0.99b so if there's an issue then we will roll that fix in too.
Thanks that'll be a lifesaver!!!

it will be great if some people here who would like to contribute can open a thread and post the default names and who they are supposed to represent in real life.

Also some brave souls here should try to do some risky things as more of a testing purpose for what to do and what not to do.

@ross the two questions I asked before, any update on those?

In case you are wondering....i have even more questions :p
I knew you would... :)

I'll try my best to go back through the past couple of days and clear some things up - just been flat out.
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it will be great if some people here who would like to contribute can open a thread and post the default names and who they are supposed to represent in real life.

Also some brave souls here should try to do some risky things as more of a testing purpose for what to do and what not to do.

@ross the two questions I asked before, any update on those?

In case you are wondering....i have even more questions :p

I'd volunteer but i already ruined mine :) as i say don't change anything on a default player (or team name) because if you do that player or team will no longer be linkable unless/until it changes in v.99b

Ross, in future it would be great if we could have "hatless" as a batting option, rather than just fielding. I'd like to be able to set players as wearing a hat in the field but batting hatless but this isn't possible currently. (you have probably guessed i will be playing A LOT of old timey stuff!)
it will be great if some people here who would like to contribute can open a thread and post the default names and who they are supposed to represent in real life.
The upgrade log file outputs a list of all the players in plain text if that helps.

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