Cricket Academy Nets Videos/Screenshots

Its bloody brilliant. Played it for an hour. Its addictive. Also managed to play some dilscoops.:D

Played some cover drives, backfoot drives, sweep shots, straight drives and reverse sweep too.
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Loving that satisfying WHACK sound that you get when hitting a bowling machine indoors. Not loving the amount of spinner drift though. I don't dislike it because it makes things hard, but because it's unrealistic. Every ball is like the Gatting ball.
Cricket Academy Nets- Spin Bowling Preview

PS: Sorry for the Poor Batting performance.:p

Really love playing spin bowling in nets. The drift is really awesome. It's certainly the most challenging ball to play in the game :cheers


Loving that satisfying WHACK sound that you get when hitting a bowling machine indoors. Not loving the amount of spinner drift though. I don't dislike it because it makes things hard, but because it's unrealistic. Every ball is like the Gatting ball.

The drift might not be 100% realistic (or maybe it is...I don't know as have never faced any intl bowler, but having seen the hawkeye on spinner's deliveries, I don't they get so much drift all the time) but this is a game, and this has been incorporated for balancing the game. As it is, once you get the timing right and understand the drift, you can easily hit the ball well, so this drift does add to the difficulty in playing spin and thus making it a challenge.
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We've had it easy against the spinners in recent games so this is a welcome change :)
One main concern I have is how easy it is for me to play the game even on the hardest settings, it took me a good while to get used to ashes09 and found that VERY difficult at the start.

All in all though I think it's on the right track, but I don't think it will be the game some of us may have expected it to be.

Two things. Even with the huds off you will know where it is coming because the Bowling machine aligns itself. Doesn't happen in a match.
And a bowling machine is the easiest. Its like throw-downs. Going anything by first hand experience, Bowling Machines were confident boosters. I haven't seen me or any other decent batsman for that matter, failing to connect even one ball. Yeah if we miss its a miracle. That is cause the speed is constant, release point is constant. Its just so much easier.


It seems that they have focused on having animations that subtly blend from one to the other, which is very impressive, but from all of the play session and now nets videos it does seem like there isn't an awful lot of shot variety.

Can you list out the shots you played then? Cause I definitely played a LOT of different shots. And to add to that I have used only the Defensive, without any triggers, occasional Lofted aggressive and Sweep,reverse sweep,scoop(unorthodox modifier).
The defensive shot, when executed ideally, is a visual treat. Also, the sound engineering is mind blowing.
I like the little "echo" from around the practice nets... There's some clever stuff going on. So much polish...

Actually, I should stick my BOSE headphones on and have a listen...
Can you list out the shots you played then? Cause I definitely played a LOT of different shots. And to add to that I have used only the Defensive, without any triggers, occasional Lofted aggressive and Sweep,reverse sweep,scoop(unorthodox modifier).

None. I don't have a controller with me and the ability to buy one in Israel on a Saturday is limited.

The main shot I haven't seen yet is anything backfoot for driving or even defence. I've seen lots of front foot drives to balls that are too short, and consequently they seem to go in the air off the splice of the bat.

The other shot I haven't seen is a hook shot. I've seen this in other videos though outside of the nets, and I think the lack of it here is purely due to the lack of very short bowling. I watched a video where they set the pace bowling to "short" and the bounce barely got above waste high. Perhaps another "very short" option is needed.

Also, has anyone been able to do a drive where they just push it gently into the field? It seems that the default drive is a very powerful one. It looks absolutely superb, particularly when timed well, but I think there should be a more delicate shot between that and the block. I thought initially that was the aggressive ground shot option but I've seen some drives where the bat follows through so I think that is the aggressive option. Maybe the defensive option can be used to just poke the ball around?

And finally, the spinner drift is very pronounced and I think should be tuned down. We won't be able to see exactly how exaggerated it is until we can watch it with the broadcast cam, so we have some basis for comparison. When watching some of the play test views I didn't see anything like this.

I don't want to come across as being overly critical. It really looks amazing and I wish I could play it right now. I'm particularly happy with:

1) I'm a huge fan of a good bowling machine session, and this really sounds like it
2) Lots of realistic edges
3) Fluent animations for all the shots I have seen, particularly a few pull shots
4) Bradman looks badass
5) It does feel fast and the past bowler swing is very realistic looking
6) Variety of batting camera angles, and this isn't even all
7) Lovely graphics
8) Something telling you your timing, so we have at least some help!
Just managed to hit the wicket down the other end. I suspect my batting partner would not have been best pleased, haha! Don't think I've managed to do that in a cricket game before anyway...
Just managed to hit the wicket down the other end. I suspect my batting partner would not have been best pleased, haha! Don't think I've managed to do that in a cricket game before anyway...

Remember it's not out unless the bowler gets a finger on it.

I've been out that way once before. Nothing you can do but laugh.
I am not able to even touch the ball and I don't know why. :(
Someone please help me.

I can't even do the movement. I am using PS3 controller.

I can leave the ball but I can't hit/defend it

Wrong thread try over here or here
The main shot I haven't seen yet is anything backfoot for driving or even defence. I've seen lots of front foot drives to balls that are too short, and consequently they seem to go in the air off the splice of the bat.

The other shot I haven't seen is a hook shot. I've seen this in other videos though outside of the nets, and I think the lack of it here is purely due to the lack of very short bowling. I watched a video where they set the pace bowling to "short" and the bounce barely got above waste high. Perhaps another "very short" option is needed.

Also, has anyone been able to do a drive where they just push it gently into the field? It seems that the default drive is a very powerful one. It looks absolutely superb, particularly when timed well, but I think there should be a more delicate shot between that and the block. I thought initially that was the aggressive ground shot option but I've seen some drives where the bat follows through so I think that is the aggressive option. Maybe the defensive option can be used to just poke the ball around?

And finally, the spinner drift is very pronounced and I think should be tuned down. We won't be able to see exactly how exaggerated it is until we can watch it with the broadcast cam, so we have some basis for comparison. When watching some of the play test views I didn't see anything like this.

I can account for a few things you said. The backfoot driving and defending is all there. Every shot in every direction is there in the game and I have tried it. Its just that the shot played varies with the bounce of the ball. i.e. you would still be down on a back foot if its full and upright if you are front foot and the ball is short.

Hooking, well a lofted pull is there but as you noticed the ball isn't rising. Its like the subcontinent pitch. Its at a max chest high. So when it rising more like in ApocalypseGame's video then you could play a pull.

About gentle pushes, it does have it. Inside the nets against fast bowling anything you touch flies. But if you hit straight you will know its travels differently depending on how you hit it. Which means using just the right analogue will be like a push and aggressive ground shot(which gives the full follow through) rockets. Defense if done rightly is again like a push. You can do that in any damn direction as you want.

Spin in pro mode is the best. Its otherwise hard to play without any HUD. Play with Pro mode and you would get used to the drift. Mind you, you still need an awful lot of concentration; every ball.

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