Cricket Academy Nets Videos/Screenshots

For people complaining about speed, try turning off the HUD and then decide on playing a shot of your will.
The speed at which it is coming, it will be easy in the nets if you restrict yourself to a certain number of shots but not in a match in a match situation. There will be fielders all around and pressure will be onto you.
For people complaining about speed, try turning off the HUD and then decide on playing a shot of your will.
The speed at which it is coming, it will be easy in the nets if you restrict yourself to a certain number of shots but not in a match in a match situation. There will be fielders all around and pressure will be onto you.

I 100% agree. We also don't know how fast these bowlers are. It is possible that the fast bowler has been set to 130 km/h.
Also, if it was much faster you'd have to play a shot before you'd even seen where it was going. It's fast enough for me when actually playing it, which is all that matters.
Personal opinion, if they bowl faster, i wouldn't be able to read the ball at all. It is hard enough processing the colors, harder without the colors. They make it faster and me and many others will be playing blind with just straight drives in every ball as that tend to hit 70% of the balls.
Hey guys, I am uploading a video of the bouncers in the nets.

I play some pretty dumb shots at the start, there is a pull in there somewhere. It is about a minute and a half long, watch it through to the end as it gets better in my opinion.

Anyway, once it is live, it will be here.

Shouldn't have used vimeo, but there is no turning back now!!!!

this looks really good, the animation looks really fluid and I'm liking the variety of the shots. definitely looking forward to getting it when it's released for the consoles.

two things though, erm, bradman goes a bit exorcist at some points watching the ball when it's rolled behind him, also, surely when the bowler brains him in a match he will fall over or something and not just soak it up without reaction.
Personal opinion, if they bowl faster, i wouldn't be able to read the ball at all. It is hard enough processing the colors, harder without the colors. They make it faster and me and many others will be playing blind with just straight drives in every ball as that tend to hit 70% of the balls.

I completely agree. I only have enough time to register the length with the colours and line by viewing where it is headed and then play the shot. I find it difficult to react and play a different type of shot (defensive or lofted) to the one I premeditated. Unorthodox shots are played before I have a clue where the ball is going. The speed is fine for me.
I completely agree. I only have enough time to register the length with the colours and line by viewing where it is headed and then play the shot. I find it difficult to react and play a different type of shot (defensive or lofted) to the one I premeditated. Unorthodox shots are played before I have a clue where the ball is going. The speed is fine for me.

Same here.i at least get a clue of the line .5 second before the ball comes out due to the movement of the bowling the whole game i hardly think i will get clues like that.

Anyone got a video of the batsman ducking under the ball?

I really like the different ducking and blocking animation due to footwork AND spin bowling. For spinners you can actually pad the ball which is fantastic.
I think that on the hardest level it should be a true representation of the real game and from what I have seen the fast balls feel like 70mph so it is far from it.There is no noticeable difference between fast-medium and fast either.
From every video I have seen since the play sessions the game appears to be completely batsman friendly.
Add me to the no faster camp.

When playing on legend a reasonable percentage of my shots register as late. I only get ideal when I look at where the bowling machine is pointing. I never get early. And there is definitely a noticeable difference between fast and fast-medium. When facing fast-medium my timing is usually ideal.

It is a lot different watching videos and playing the game. When playing a game it would be borderline impossible to play at real bowling speed. Unless you already knew where the ball was going to go.
I think that on the hardest level it should be a true representation of the real game and from what I have seen the fast balls feel like 70mph so it is far from it.There is no noticeable difference between fast-medium and fast either.
From every video I have seen since the play sessions the game appears to be completely batsman friendly.
Yeah, even if it were just at the highest difficulty it would be nice to have the option to up the pace to a realistic level.

I can understand the reasons for slowing it down - it would be extremely difficult to react in time and pick the right shots, but it would be a fun challenge and when I'm bowling with a quick bowler, I want it to feel like there's a lot of pace on the ball.

I'm really hoping this game won't be batsman-friendly, especially online... AC09 online was a joke because anyone who had played the game for a few hours could comfortably score 15+ an over with very little risk of a wicket even with disciplined bowling and field placements. Hopefully in this game that won't be the case.
When playing on legend a reasonable percentage of my shots register as late. I only get ideal when I look at where the bowling machine is pointing. I never get early. And there is definitely a noticeable difference between fast and fast-medium. When facing fast-medium my timing is usually ideal.

This would suggest that they have decreased the timing window for the higher levels in increase difficulty. I understand there is a difference between watching the vids and actually playing it but I'm standing by what I've said from months back in that the bowling looks pedestrian and in the hardest mode it shouldn't.I want to see some zip! :yes
Hey guys, I am uploading a video of the bouncers in the nets.

I play some pretty dumb shots at the start, there is a pull in there somewhere. It is about a minute and a half long, watch it through to the end as it gets better in my opinion.

Anyway, once it is live, it will be here.

Shouldn't have used vimeo, but there is no turning back now!!!!

The pull/hook shot that you hit at around :21 from memory is brilliant. I've watched that a couple of times and I love it.
If we sped the play up then online would not be available.
If we sped the play up then online would not be available.

Having a slider setting for it in the offline mode would be the way forward :yes


I think that on the hardest level it should be a true representation of the real game and from what I have seen the fast balls feel like 70mph so it is far from it.There is no noticeable difference between fast-medium and fast either.
From every video I have seen since the play sessions the game appears to be completely batsman friendly.

You hit the nail on the head, i.e. video game is representation of the sport but not the real thing. In actual cricket you have the bat in hand and you can react real-time, but in video game you have to judge line & length, make the decision and click the right butons & triggers. You have to account for the lag controller and network adds as well which essentially reduces the speed.

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