Cricket Academy Nets Videos/Screenshots

I am not using a gamepad? It is a joystick with emulator


would be much easier if I could just use my keyboard
like u culd have WASD for foot placement, ARROW keys for bat placement, and then you could use numbers for shots
I'm pretty sure most of us are blessed with just two hands. If i keep one hand on Arrow keys and other on WASD, then how in the holy fegan you gonna press the number keys. :facepalm
like u culd have WASD for foot placement, ARROW keys for bat placement, and then you could use numbers for shots

Do you even understand what a joystick does in gaming?? You could put foot placement at WQAZXCDES and yet not be able to replicate the 360 degree nature of the joystick. :facepalm:facepalm
do you even understand how much a JOYSTICK cost in my country


you use pinky to press number keys? DUH
do you even understand how much a JOYSTICK cost in my country


you use pinky to press number keys? DUH

The game will cost more than a joystick. If you can't afford the controller, how can you afford the game? Oh wait a second, I know where this is going...
do you even understand how much a JOYSTICK cost in my country

I dont know what your country is but I am pretty sure it would cost less than a game would, and if you cant afford it then its obvious you cant afford the game and yet try to play it know how. So yes sir, this game needs not one but two joysticks and no you cannot replicate the same even with your pinky (whoever give that name to yours) :thumbs


game cost free if u know right people u can get it as gift or if not download free crack off youtube which is legal as long as u delete within 24 hours, then just reinstall. cause free use says you can have game for 24 hours without paying

AWESOME!!!! You cannot imagine how glad I am that you posted this!!! Wont need to read your BS anymore :cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers:cheers
game cost free if u know right people u can get it as gift or if not download free crack off youtube which is legal as long as u delete within 24 hours, then just reinstall. cause free use says you can have game for 24 hours without paying

Why dont i know any right people? :facepalm This is not fair. Why do i have to pay gazillions of dollars and this bugger gets it for free :eek:
game cost free if u know right people u can get it as gift or if not download free crack off youtube which is legal as long as u delete within 24 hours, then just reinstall. cause free use says you can have game for 24 hours without paying

OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP! It's people like you that get all PC gamers labelled as criminals and end up being treated as such even though we actually spend good money on the damn games! It's thanks to people like you that we've got bullshit like DRM that requires us to always be online if we don't want to be booted out of a game that we paid good money for!

And don't give me you can't afford it. If you can afford a PC, you can afford the sodding games! People like you make me sick. If a game's crap, leave it alone. If it's good enough to make you want it, then reward the developers and put your goddamn hand in your goddamn pocket!



Why dont i know any right people? :facepalm This is not fair. Why do i have to pay gazillions of dollars and this bugger gets it for free :eek:

Yeah, quite so. I wonder - do these guys steal the PCs to play their games on the way they steal the games? After all, if they can't afford to buy a game, how can they afford to buy a PC? :facepalm

Good to see that moron's banned now.
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Why dont i know any right people? :facepalm This is not fair. Why do i have to pay gazillions of dollars and this bugger gets it for free :eek:

That too a 'legal crack' off youtube.......for 24 hours:yes:lol


i dont know y u say that I am STILL here!!! :cheers

If you can read this post after your ban:

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