Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Sorry, no can do. It's a fix in the code (not the script) so it'll have to wait until the patch is ready. The last thing on my to-do list is to finish up the management mode simulation view.[DOUBLEPOST=1424786708][/DOUBLEPOST]This is what I've covered so far:

- fixed management for T20
- fixed background size
- fixed crash on attribute script
- tweaked cutters
- added attribute scripts:
+ technician
+ golden arm
+ nervous bowler
- more UI fixes
- tweaked seam & spin amounts
- added player attribute for batting ability versus seam and swing (as opposed to just pace)
- tweaked attribute for batting ability versus pace (takes into account actual speed of delivery now)
- added CSV commentary output
Wow it covers almost all of the things , also plz include management mode simulation view in the patch too and also add nervous batter too. Also include concentration loser trait for batsmen as most of the Pakistani batters falls in this category.[DOUBLEPOST=1424789227][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW if I set high placement attribute and low strength and high running speed will my batter rely on singles and doubles mostly? Or you have to add street smart trait for that to happen?
Also can you add batch editing in the roster editor? Like selecting Australia and reducing all their players ability against spin bowling.
Yup, the management mode simulation view is the one I'm talking about :)

Might not be able to do those scripts - I'm not sure if I'm tracking the things you need for that.
Concentration loser is easier to setup ,if a players score 20+ runs his attributes take a hit say by 30% thus making him more likely to get out.[DOUBLEPOST=1424789934][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW does high placement means more likely to find gaps?
If a batter with low skill against swing and seam some how survive the new ball then will he play better later? Or will he struggles the whole inning?[DOUBLEPOST=1424791797][/DOUBLEPOST]I think for nervous batter the ball count should be 15 not 20.
How about team morale booster trait if a player with that trait score certain amount of runs say 40+ or pickups 2 or more wkts all team get 15% boost in their attributes for the rest of the match.

Also a leader trait should increase all team attributes by 5% ,more leaders better team imagine Australia 1999-2007.
.[DOUBLEPOST=1424794061][/DOUBLEPOST]Lol one more how about mentor trait , if a player with this trait comes out to bat his batting partner gets a 15% boost to his attributes.
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