Overkill of PC leagues now.
Maybe just one too many, but I think they've all got pretty distinct ideas - The Ashes is exactly what it says on their tin, PCFTP is people playing for their national team, National League is a PC domestic league, through which you can earn your way to the National team. The only one that seems to merge in a little bit is PC United, and that has a lot to live up to after Race to the Top used the same name. Still, Sim's a solid contributor to the leagues section, so I'd be more than willing to give him a shot at it.
Yes, it is always great to see leagues flourishing and quality efforts emerging. Might as well as call it the second Golden Era of the leagues section, the first one being about three-four years ago when Premier Leagues were at an high. This time, it seems PC-based leagues are taking over, although I don't think the premier league idea will ever die. I also love the idea of calculating PC career stats; simple things we never bothered to do.
I definitely agree - it's all going on at the moment, and the top-end leagues really are fantastic.
Also, the career stats were something I started doing when I was playing in Race to the Top, largely because I'm a little bit obsessive compulsive. Never thought they'd catch on the way they have.
This. I am loving the current set of leagues. Thoroughly enjoying Varun's Ashes and Author's PCFTP and some other leagues are above par!

- I'm really enjoying PCFTP, although now I'm trying to fit CBCL in around it, which wasn't exactly the idea...
Tbh the new leagues are tryimg to be more realistic than ever. However some of them are forgetting to keep things fair.
I quite like all these different pitch types, but for me it's good old Excellent, Normal, Poor - all these dynamic ratings are incredibly good, but far too much effort for me personally!