DBC14 PC Version 1.14

Well, the pirates have won...

Now, not to be overly dramatic about it or anything, but as thing wasn't something stated as part of the original sale of the game, it's well worth noting that anyone with a grievance should take it up directly with Big Ant at this point. To my knowledge, under Australian consumer law, as Big Ant didn't advertise the game as being "always online" at the time of sale, changing it now would constitute misleading or false advertising about what the product can and can not do, and under Australian Law you should be entirely entitled to a refund. Whilst I wouldn't suggest pushing the issue as such, suddenly dumping this on users who may not be able to play the game when they want to anymore is something that is of real concern.

It's sad that it's come to this. Hopefully Big Ant can come up with a workable solution for the long term.
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I think we need to steer the argument away from whether someone has valid reasons for not being able to connect to the internet or not. Lets face it DRM is something no one wants: like I said I was stuck with not being able to play the game for a few days as I couldnt log on. It doesn't bother me too much as I have plenty of other things to do. Sure it is a pain but it isn't the end of the world. PC pirating is so rife: if this is the way of making sure people buy the game, thus ensuring development, so be it.
i'm not being deliberately argumentative (this time), but actually my point is that I do want DRM. people have taken a dislike to clumsily-implemented DRM, and extrapolated that out to a dislike for all DRM which is pathetic. Software developers have a right to protect their IP.
You've just regurgitated a work around I literally all ready stated prior. All your grievances I have cleared up or explained. Either your comprehesion is lacking or you haven't read my post, perhaps not even the thread.
if you can't tether, your problem is with your phone or laptop, not Big Ant. this DRM working is literally the only way this franchise has a future on PC, anyone with a problem with it (as in a philosophical problem with the DRM rather than a technological problem connecting) is an idiot.[DOUBLEPOST=1411233546][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, the pirates have won...

Now, not to be overly dramatic about it or anything, but as thing wasn't something stated as part of the original sale of the game, it's well worth noting that anyone with a grievance should take it up directly with Big Ant at this point. To my knowledge, under Australian consumer law, as Big Ant didn't advertise the game as being "always online" at the time of sale, changing it now would constitute misleading or false advertising about what the product can and can not do, and under Australian Law you should be entirely entitled to a refund. Whilst I wouldn't suggest pushing the issue as such, suddenly dumping this on users who may not be able to play the game when they want to anymore is something that is of real concern.

It's sad that it's come to this. Hopefully Big Ant can come up with a workable solution for the long term.
it's not always online. not even close to that. you are talking utter nonsense.[DOUBLEPOST=1411233618][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd also disagree with the subscription model. I want to own the best ever cricket game, not rent it.

well itunes makes you pay for stuff upfront and you still don't actually own the music you 'buy' from it.
it's not always online. not even close to that. you are talking utter nonsense.[DOUBLEPOST=1411233618][/DOUBLEPOST]

You need to have a stable internet connection to start the game, that was not advertised with the sale, the point remains. It's not nonsense by any stretch.

Whilst I have no intention of asking for a refund, it's worth pointing out that if people are having an issue, under Australian law they should be entitled to it from what I can find.
You need to have a stable internet connection to start the game, that was not advertised with the sale, the point remains. It's not nonsense by any stretch.

Whilst I have no intention of asking for a refund, it's worth pointing out that if people are having an issue, under Australian law they should be entitled to it from what I can find.

it is nonsense. utter nonsense. for a start at best it could only apply to people who bought it in australia.

what do you want, no franchise or no DRM?
I think a lot of people are being overly dramatic here, If you didn't have the internet you wouldn't have the updates in the first place and therefore would be playing a buggy out of the box version and how are you posting on this forum? As for saying what if your internet plays up, well yeah no game for a bit I guess, play something else, read a book or something. Where are you guys living where you have such p***poor internet? Fair enough if you're in India or somewhere on the subcontinent, but there are people here complaining from the U.K. My internet hardly used to cut out for any long period of time 10 years ago. Get a grip ffs, reminds of women who would come into my mates mobile phone shop in tears because their Iphones had died. People are quick to lynch pirates on here but when a solution is found they start wetting beds!
Not sure whether its effect of 1.13 or 1.14, but the left arm fast bowler is getting on my nerves while batting. Line/Length is truly amazing now to be cautious of, have been dismissed many times behind the wicket(slip & wk) since the patch due to my own carelessness.

Amazing efforts, @BigAntStudios needs more than a standing ovation for making the game so enjoyable. Thank You!!!
You need to have a stable internet connection to start the game, that was not advertised with the sale, the point remains. It's not nonsense by any stretch.

Whilst I have no intention of asking for a refund, it's worth pointing out that if people are having an issue, under Australian law they should be entitled to it from what I can find.
since the game was sold without co-op play advertised, when Big Ant patch that in can I get a refund?[DOUBLEPOST=1411234447][/DOUBLEPOST]my advice to Big Ant, remove DRM and ALL improvements to PC in a version 1.15 and immediately re-release a v1.16 with the DRM and improvements as a paid DLC circa £10.

will shut everyone up.
it is nonsense. utter nonsense. for a start at best it could only apply to people who bought it in australia.

what do you want, no franchise or no DRM?

It's nice that you don't care about other people and all, but personally I think that ticking off the fan base isn't a great way of building a good reputation. You can say what I've said is nonsense, and you can call people idiots, but that doesn't change the facts in the matter. Those who have bought the game in Australia, should they take issue, may well be able to ask for the new DRM to be removed, or for a refund, as at time of purchase it wasn't stated.

From here, that's not an issue, anyone who buys it from here can't complain as long as it's noted that this is something that the game has now. Had it been done from the start it wouldn't have been an issue either. The issue is that they brought it in having not previously advertised it, or forewarning people. The suggestion (by someone on this thread) is that Big Ant will allow those who can't play because of it refunds.

since the game was sold without co-op play advertised, when Big Ant patch that in can I get a refund?

If it adversely affect the rest of the game, then yes. You know that's a silly comparison though. Just because they're adding content doesn't mean that they can side step Australian Consumer Law (if my understanding of the relevant legislation is correct).
It's nice that you don't care about other people and all, but personally I think that ticking off the fan base isn't a great way of building a good reputation. You can say what I've said is nonsense, and you can call people idiots, but that doesn't change the facts in the matter. Those who have bought the game in Australia, should they take issue, may well be able to ask for the new DRM to be removed, or for a refund, as at time of purchase it wasn't stated.

From here, that's not an issue, anyone who buys it from here can't complain as long as it's noted that this is something that the game has now. Had it been done from the start it wouldn't have been an issue either. The issue is that they brought it in having not previously advertised it, or forewarning people. The suggestion (by someone on this thread) is that Big Ant will allow those who can't play because of it refunds.

If it adversely affect the rest of the game, then yes. You know that's a silly comparison though. Just because they're adding content doesn't mean that they can side step Australian Consumer Law (if my understanding of the relevant legislation is correct).
people want to have their cake and eat it, have a game that is continually supported and improved, but not have the developer protect their IP. that is beyond childish.

i am 100% serious that @BigAntStudios should roll out tomorrow a mandatory v1.15 for PC that removes the DRM and strips the game back to as per v1.00 and then let people decide to purchase the improvements and DRM or stick with the "out of the box" version. you can't have both, as things stand future DBC versions won't come to PC. people need to be confronted with the reality of that. You have literally had it too good.
if you can't tether, your problem is with your phone or laptop, not Big Ant. this DRM working is literally the only way this franchise has a future on PC, anyone with a problem with it (as in a philosophical problem with the DRM rather than a technological problem connecting) is an idiot.

Don't use a strawman. I never blamed Big Ant for my tethering issues nor did I ever say that I disagreed with the DRM. All I ever said was that it was disappointing and sucky to be inadvertently punished. I stand by it too.

I think everyone here wants what's best for DBC and Big Ant. We wish them success for without it we won't have sequels. At the moment piracy is drastically affecting the success of the game; now and in the future.

I agree with the DRM to help eliminate piracy and solidify its success. Though that doesn't mean I am not dissapointed that I can't play the game I purchased whenever I please. Only because others have decided to not support Big Ant.

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