Dean Jones sacked after 'terrorist' remark

If someone wants to play for there country they should no matter what religon they are.
Look at Monty Panasar he is doing well for England and he has a following.
Dean Jones is just a racist prat.
In all honesty, and I'm probably going to get a million negative reps for this, but Amla really really looks like a terrorist. I thought Amla looked like a terrorist the first time I saw him and am sure a lot of other people thought the same thing.

And secondly, Australia is a generally racist country but I don't think those comments were racist at all. Australians, including Dean Jones, are just terrified of muslims.
jdbais said:
In all honesty, and I'm probably going to get a million negative reps for this, but Amla really really looks like a terrorist. I thought Amla looked like a terrorist the first time I saw him and am sure a lot of other people thought the same thing.
Only idiots think that.

jdbais said:
And secondly, Australia is a generally racist country but I don't think those comments were racist at all. Australians, including Dean Jones, are just terrified of muslims.
Australia is a racist country, and all Australians are terrified of Muslims? Now who's being racist?
RoboRocks said:
Dean Jones is just a racist prat.
I don't think I'm the only one who disagrees with that comment. If that is termed as racist, everyone in the world is racist. Distinguishing races is racist, because if we are all the same, there is no point in grouping us based on our ancestors. No one has any clue whatsoever what context Jones made the comment in, although it was in poor taste if it was a joke (which I am sure it was, given what I have seen of the man over the last few years).
I probably won't get a lot of friends for this, but Dean Jones didn't technically make a racist comment. Islam isn't a race, it's a religion. People of all races are Muslims. I'm not excusing the comment, it was unacceptable. Jones may have a problem with Islam, he may have a problem with beards, but the comment wasn't technically racist.
jdbais said:
In all honesty, and I'm probably going to get a million negative reps for this, but Amla really really looks like a terrorist. I thought Amla looked like a terrorist the first time I saw him and am sure a lot of other people thought the same thing.

And secondly, Australia is a generally racist country but I don't think those comments were racist at all. Australians, including Dean Jones, are just terrified of muslims.
You can be the legends of fools.

andrew_nixon said:
I probably won't get a lot of friends for this, but Dean Jones didn't technically make a racist comment. Islam isn't a race, it's a religion. People of all races are Muslims. I'm not excusing the comment, it was unacceptable. Jones may have a problem with Islam, he may have a problem with beards, but the comment wasn't technically racist.
The comments had something to do with 'islamophobia'. Which is racist to all Muslims.
You are making to big a deal over this! It is the same as calling a fat person 'Aloo' (Potato), or Inzy, or smething. Same as calling a bad person Chrome Dome, or a skinny person toothpick. He was bearded, so its a joke. These aren't mean to be serious. Yet you feel you need to call him a racist prat? Next time you make a comment one someone, you should call yourself a sizest, or a heightest, or a baldest, or something!
Geez, just cause it is slightly politically incorrect, doesn't mean it could be a funny joke. Jones isn't one who likes to do what society accepts. He makes fun of great cricketers and great people time and agian, doesn't mean he really feels they are horrible. No, it is just him. And it is the fun part of him. He doesn't really hold these opinions. Infact, the reason he makes these jokes is because he is comfortable around all sorts of people, he feels he has earned the right to make jokes like this. One small comment, and he is being called a racist! C'mon!
He was not racist, but the 'joke' was so insensitive, and very ignorant that no body can deny that it was wrong. Dean Jones himself has apologised; but in most proffessions, especially when involved with the public, an act such as this justifies the person being fired.
It is insensitive if the person reffered to is near-by or is seriously heart. I'm sure he didn't mean to offend him. And if he did, I'm sure hw would apologise and never to it again. If he was repeatedly making the joke and hurting him deliberately, then that is racist. An offhand comment not meant to hurt anyone, that isn't racist. Sure it is a mistake, he should regret it, but not fired over such a small thing! He is human after all.
Let's look at it like this. If I grew a beard and my family jokingly called me a terrorist, then I wouldn't take offense to it. I don't think anyone who understood the joke would normally take offense to it, but given the state of the world at the moment, calling someone a terrorist on (or near) live television is not the best idea.

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