Dean Jones sacked after 'terrorist' remark

I agree too. Fine, not the best idea. It was a mistake. But to go so far as to call him a racist?
And racisim is a form of prejudice, just like calling someone a racist or calling an entire country a racist nation. You are no better than him if you attack him like this without knowing him.
It is a fairly racist country, Australia. For instance, the way they have treated the Aborigines, and also the race riots they had ,last year I think, which was against Muslims.

Watching it back here made me feel sick.
DJ Ager said:
It is a fairly racist country, Australia. For instance, the way they have treated the Aborigines, and also the race riots they had ,last year I think, which was against Muslims.

Watching it back here made me feel sick.
coz thats not a generalisation at all, personally i think this thread should be closed because with comments like this it isnt going anywhere
DJ Ager said:
It is a fairly racist country, Australia. For instance, the way they have treated the Aborigines, and also the race riots they had ,last year I think, which was against Muslims.

Watching it back here made me feel sick.

Every nation has its prejudiced denominations, that's a timeless reality. As for the indigenous community, you really don't know too much about that topic, I would think. The Cronulla riots were just a demonstration of complete stupidity by certain Australian's, and it really doesn't reflect what most of us are actually like.
With regards to Jones, it was an insensitive comment and he should never have made it, but taken way out of context and blown way out of proportion. It was by no means racist- that's a very harsh term, by the way- and is a prime example of certain steretypes developing into mindless jokes.
Does that comment even come under a certain term?

Because it's not racist, nor is it Xenophobic.
OK guys I'll sum up, if was racist or not, it was a joke or not, whatever it was OK, it was'nt nice or a good thing to say.
I didn't mean all of Australia was racist. And racism occurs everywhere, its just happens more in some places. Leave it at that.
usy said:
OK guys I'll sum up, if was racist or not, it was a joke or not, whatever it was OK, it was'nt nice or a good thing to say.
It was a joke! Jokes aren't meant to be 'nice'. It was a bit of humour, and as James said, taken WAY out of context and blown WAY out of proportion. If I grew a beard (And trust me, I really wanna :)), then I'd excpect jokes like that. Amla himself didn't seem offended, so why should anyone else be?
Dean Jones got what he deserved he should be banned as a commentator.How could he say like that to a player who has nothing to do with the terrorism.
Such humor is acceptable between friends, but you should be ready to suffer the consequences when you let mass crowds hear the comment. I don't think that Ten Sports were too harsh on Jones, but what he got was enough, as Border has pointed out, so let's just leave it at that.

Andrew is right, this comment doesn't technically make him a racist. It makes Jones a bigot, and what he did was bigotry.

Interesting thing to note was that most commentators who spoke out on the issue talked about how it was stupid of Jones to say it in the commentary box. Not many shunned him for making the comment.
Why didnt Dean Jones and Amla just sort it out and let them both get on with their careers. Im sure it wouldnt take much of a talk to get an understanding between both parties on this issue. Dean Jones being sacked was a joke, it was a joke taken way out of context, and it would be interesting to see what the other commentators have happen to them if they said it. It would even be interesting to see whether they think he should have been sacked aswell

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