Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I hope so.... Don't want to go through another summer without a cricket game especially after being led to believe a game release was just round the corner (AC 13) :(

If you have been following BA since the original BA Cricket announcement (like me), you have been led to believe a game release was just around the corner for the past 4 years!
Ross, are you suggesting the new PS4 is well ahead of the xbox One....?

PS-4 is way ahead of XBOX-One. Most of the potential customers I know are leaning towards PS-4. This is actually not more so because of the exclusive titles Sony is coming up with but because Micro$oft has introduced to many restrictions.

That reminds me, would the C'14 be PS-4 compatible?
If you have been following BA since the original BA Cricket announcement (like me), you have been led to believe a game release was just around the corner for the past 4 years!

Have I taken money from you?
If you have been following BA since the original BA Cricket announcement (like me), you have been led to believe a game release was just around the corner for the past 4 years!

:lol In 2010 I never got the impression the release was imminent, but this year it did look the game would somehow be released around Ashes time.

The way things are going and given our luck (cricket video gaming fans that is) it wouldn't surprise me if we are left with a Cricket Life or EA Cricket 2009 sort of situation again. I knew 2 cricket games in the same year sounded too good to be true and I guess I am going back to being a pessimist the way things are turning out :(


Have I taken money from you?

I think his point is more about getting our hopes high than anything else.
Ross knows best but in face of more than probable chance of non release of AC 13, I can not think of more opportune time for ck 14 release. Go for jugular Ross and unleash your beast.
Ross is not a newbie.He knows more about gaming industry than most of us.I think it's highly immature from our side to advice Ross about BA Cricket 14's release date.
Have I taken money from you?

In my eyes ross you have done nothing wrong, there is just some bad blood on here because waiting is hard for most of us. If ashes 2013 did have a normal and good marketing plan then comments like this would not be directed at you or anyone else.:spy


Ross is not a newbie.He knows more about gaming industry than most of us.I think it's highly immature from our side to advice Ross about BA Cricket 14's release date.

Very true, it's not are money on the line or company. Still if ross does need some help with anything then we are here. p.s Maybe some posters ross with coming soon, cricket like you have never seen with a picture of the player on your front cover all blacked out.:spy
Ross is not a newbie.He knows more about gaming industry than most of us.I think it's highly immature from our side to advice Ross about BA Cricket 14's release date.

I don't think anyone is claiming to be an expert. Most are simply stating the rule of thumb for niche gaming titles, i.e. first mover advantage is huge as most folks who buy the first title will not purchase another title in a few months' time even though the second title is superior to the first product that was available.
Nobody is playing adviser or marketing guru. Its a public forum for sharing opinion and that is what we are all about.
I hope Ross do realize people suggesting about early July release is just because they want to get their hands on it as soon as possible. We really shouldn't suggest Ross about the timeline of release. The latter the better so he can add more features in meantime remove the bugs from the game.
Ross is not a newbie.He knows more about gaming industry than most of us.I think it's highly immature from our side to advice Ross about BA Cricket 14's release date.

Neither are 505 games and they definitely should know more than us when it comes to promoting a game. But guess what?......

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