Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

505 are not blameless with their behaviour but they wouldn't like this either.

They trusted what Jamie and TrickStar have been telling them and went with it.

I thought someone would...
I suspect the blame here actually lies with the developer not the producer.

The producer is very much the driving force behind a game and a good one knows *everything* about it, producers are the most important members of the development team.

That is why you are very lucky to have Mike here, producer of Cricket 14 :)
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I think that's pretty obvious.

Nothing is obvious when 505 Games are involved. Their past record isn't exactly legendary. If you ask me 505 Games & Trickstar are a marriage made in heaven :lol

505 Games have to take plenty of blame for the fiasco as well. We had our doubts about the game being released on time hearing Mike Fegan's interview, so how come 505 Games had no clue till the last minute? They should have been on top of things and handled the fiasco much better, which includes communicating with their key stakeholder - customers.
I still haven't had a good account or reason why they just didn't say they were behind at Lords... Even a hypothetical... A good majority of the crew was all in one building, can't believe it didn't come up as a topic over tea and crumpets with Barmy...
I still haven't had a good account or reason why they just didn't say they were behind at Lords... Even a hypothetical...

That will always remain a huge mystery to us, especially when Mike Fegan was talking about "AI Balancing" and other aspects of the game, including bug fixing, still in works. Surely they should have said something that time and most people would have been ok with it an moving on.

But they went on with the charade, allowed retailers to take pre-orders and here we are barely 3 days from the official release day and we don't even have an official announcement regarding the delay! In fact things are so bad even retailers have no clue what's going on wth multiple release dates being talked about depending on whch retailer you talk to :noway
Surely they should have said something that time and most people would have been ok with it an moving on.


That was what most of us reading between the lines expected to happen. That they would get everyone together, show them what they could and say "guys, we want to really perfect this... given the huge feedback and contributions we've had from the guys we're going to take some time to finesse the game before we release it, so we're pushing it a month to get it right... in the meantime, here's what we CAN show you..."

...and Bam
. Professional. Honest. Flattering. Damage control done.

The producer is very much the driving force behind a game and a good one knows *everything* about it, producers are the most important members of the development team...

Devils advocate, but Mikey's in the same building I'm guessing on your clock... My understanding is Chief is on the other side of the world from Trickstar and a freelance consultant... That would/could be the disconnect there, perhaps? But I don't know... Semantics...
Devils advocate, but Mikey's in the same building I'm guessing on your clock... My understanding is Chief is on the other side of the world from Trickstar and a freelance consultant... That would/could be the disconnect there, perhaps? But I don't know... Semantics...

Producer is a producer, it's your job to know what's going on.

It's one thing to be silent, which people have proved they can do pretty well lately, it's another to tell fibs :)

People have to give up on the idea that not all parties are responsible - I knew it, Trickstar knew it, Jamie knew it, 505 knew it.

Once there was talk of daily builds and less than 2 months left - WE ALL KNEW IT - people are trying to give a way out, a reason for the deception rather than the obvious - it was physically impossible for the game to ship on time right then - they were lying! That is why the words stumbled from Mike Fegan about getting the game out "asap", he was the only one that didn't LIE at Lords.
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All good points... Let me shoot you a note...
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Lets talk about cricket 14...shall we? Its depressing enough in the ashes forum. Lets not bring the conversation here too. :)
Fair call Issy, should've just PM'd it... there is another forum for this malarkey...
Fair call Issy, should've just PM'd it... there is another forum for this malarkey...

Naah don't PM, lay it all out in the open. That's what the forum is for.
I'm basically agreeing with him, but Issy is right and it's all a bit boring bleeding over into this forum...

Would much rather talk about possible tweaks to the Philtrum slider in BA14

...or more spectacle options
Well Biggs, you could have kept what you already wrote without editing it out. It was a good read even though it was depressing reading it.

By the way Ross, do you plan to buy any cricket game that comes out this year? Other than your own game of course. Or are you going to wait for reviews before investing your hard earned money?
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