Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Games slip, happens a lot, generally people don't try to lie about it though. You've all been had, including you Barmy, maybe mostly you!!

I promise to move on now.

I am really excited about what we are doing with Cricket 14 and will share something later tiday to lift the mood!

PS: bit upset that people are not outraged that I will not be bringing my one man show to Bourke Street! That should be the focus of the complaints...

My mood really needs some lifting.
Beat way i cud deacribe is...... You have Fifa 12 then wait a whole year for Fifa 13!

This is like Rugby league live 2 turned to rugby league live 3 as the season is all updated with gameplay tweaks.

Cant fault them! Its way beyond what you would expect!

Ps: nothing more exciting that defending your own line at 18-18 and scoring an interception try with the last play of the game!

Sweaty Palms!

Sounds amazing, almost wish I was a rugby league fan. Can't believe Ross suggested Dutch didn't buy the game incase it didn't suit him, just shows he's not in this just for money, he really cares about his customers.
In other news, our Free update for Rugby League Live II is out there and so far being well received-if you have RLL2 just pop it into the drive, go online, boot the game and it should prompt you for the download.

Have fun!

Hey Ross....just did the update but when i try and access the DLC it says nothing available to purchase. Is it coming out soon....?
RLL2 is a credit to Big Ant Studios. Dutch if you were considering picking up a copy you cant go wrong.

Noticed yesterday when running in a try you can celebrate on the way in prematurely! Well i think thats what he was doing?! Either that or he was waving to him mum in the crowd.

One thing id say which relates to both games is im very excited by the animations. New ones seem to pop up from time to time leaving you with that woooah factor!

Yeah, there's a button for sledging - it's called a taunt, a pre-try celebration (in your face!!!) :p

We also have animations and plays that are *very* rare to keep the game new and keep you on your toes.... that sneaky AI what are they going to do next!!

Beat way i cud deacribe is...... You have Fifa 12 then wait a whole year for Fifa 13!

This is like Rugby league live 2 turned to rugby league live 3 as the season is all updated with gameplay tweaks.

Cant fault them! Its way beyond what you would expect!

Ps: nothing more exciting that defending your own line at 18-18 and scoring an interception try with the last play of the game!

Sweaty Palms!

Glad you're enjoying it!!

Hey Ross....just did the update but when i try and access the DLC it says nothing available to purchase. Is it coming out soon....?

It's up to Sony and Microsoft to propagate it through their network, sorry I can't make it get through faster (they've both had it for weeks!!)
I know everyone probably already knew this but ashes cricket announced on their twitter about delay til july
They are not making July. Why do this to people twice!!




They could have at least apologised for taking your money and lying at Lords! (Barmy - do you still have those false and misleading pre-order links live!!!!!!)


ah, so that's what happens when you spam the facepalm icon... :)
They should've just told everyone at Lords... Horse has well and truly bolted...

They are not making July. Why do this to people twice!!

...Here we go again!

Just for my future July signature the record, you're saying they're not getting it submitted in time for a July release...
Yes, unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! It will not be here in July. F*rk! Now I even feel sorry for them and the hurt they are going to get August 1st!

and before I get the doubters... have I been wrong about *ANYTHING*??
^HA! ...and no doubt whatsoever from my end...

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