Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Come on; you can announce "Jesus Christ Superstar Cricket 2014" already Ross - we ALL know that's its called that!
That would be a good idea... chill on the idea that Friday is massive for you all, it's merely the awakening for everyone else.

I should say that I would love to involve all of you guys with the sequel but I think you guys would get very bored by the time the game got out... development really isn't a release-a-day deal, often there's nothing to see for months.

There is good info coming out friday? I thought it was an update to CA? ooooh i'm so excited now!!!!
Have i used any silent-language there ?.. Can you please elaborate before you point something out ! I dont want to argue but just want to know why did u think i have gone against your planetcricket forum so next time i wont make that kinda mistakes.

He means nothing like this, R U ok. Like this Are you ok. Simple.


That would be a good idea... chill on the idea that Friday is massive for you all, it's merely the awakening for everyone else.

I should say that I would love to involve all of you guys with the sequel but I think you guys would get very bored by the time the game got out... development really isn't a release-a-day deal, often there's nothing to see for months.

Ross you could just tell us the release date and name and we would still go crazy, you don't have to show us the game if you can not yet. PS I'm ok with you do.:p
How you know there aint gonna be any more info next friday cause U noticed ROSS is nt saying anything to u guys right. He already said that the public campaigning is starting this friday so how can u think that w/o a game title he will start it, he also said he going to reveal some licenses too.he said before that the title and release date both coming together+ after a month of public campaign the game will released. U know he said it.. As far as i know he never lied too us so everything comes friday. He is kinda quite nowdays cause he wants to save it for friday.

We are in competition, letting the timing of release be generally known outside of BA and the publisher is subject to that.

Knowing the date won't change the date.


What I like Cricket Academy/CA Ross, unless it's someone cricket 14 CA. Then that's ok. PS Release Release Date.:D

?????? ?????? Cricket Academy
We are in competition, letting the timing of release be generally known outside of BA and the publisher is subject to that.

Knowing the date won't change the date.


?????? ?????? Cricket Academy

You are in competition, with who ross. I don't see any other cricket game releasing anytime soon, do you ?
PS Brian lara cricket 14 :thumbs


So no release date! :(

I agree but the name and licence talk is still ace.;)
You will have enough on Friday to know a good game is coming.

That's all I am going to say.... I mean it this time... really :)

I know that :p

was just trying to see if any more info i can pull out from you. But not going to happen! :thumbs
You will have enough on Friday to know a good game is coming.

That's all I am going to say.... I mean it this time... really :)

Sure Ross and we already new a good game was coming.;) PS Ross when you said you guys were the underdogs I was like sure but then I thought about it and maybe not, sure it's your first cricket game but trickstar have never been close to a great game and they keep shooting there foot off with a huge shotgun.:clap
We are in competition, letting the timing of release be generally known outside of BA and the publisher is subject to that.

Knowing the date won't change the date.

But I thought you had mentioned the media/PR blitz was supposed to be a month long before the game came out. By that reckoning the game should be out by Aug 26th. Am I missing something or the "one month blitz" is no longer one month long :(
But I thought you had mentioned the media/PR blitz was supposed to be a month long before the game came out. By that reckoning the game should be out by Aug 26th. Am I missing something or the "one month blitz" is no longer one month long :(

Waiting for the other game to pull it's socks up would be my guess.

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