Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Sorry Angad - I didn't say you wouldn't get stuff this month - you've misunderstood me! I said you would get less than I would *otherwise* have shown.

To be clear - you will shortly have a trailer - within the next week.
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I hope that you feel this same tirade for the other side who said their game would release in June and have shown *nothing*

Ross, stop comparing your game with "theirs". It is like comparing apples and oranges. The only similarity is they are both fruits
Upset from people here has come from Ashes cricket push back,but every one got smile in their faces again by Bigant cricket. If ashes got delayed we have another game.....Only thing is, Upset made by ashes game making people to get a cricket game released as soon as possible .........coz they are desperately waiting for years to put their hands on fascinating cricket game ....
thanks - needed a laugh!
I'm not sure why people are getting upset over a supposed lack of screenshots and trailers. Even with a shiny new trailer next week, nothing will surpass the EB playtests. Then we will have an actual feel for the game.

I really hope someone from here takes a proper video camera so we have something a bit better than just iPhone videos, as nice as they will be.
I'm not sure why people are getting upset over a supposed lack of screenshots and trailers. Even with a shiny new trailer next week, nothing will surpass the EB playtests. Then we will have an actual feel for the game.

That happens some how many times ashes team got upset for asking "GIVE ME MY TRAILER,GIVE ME MY SCREENSHOTS YOU !@@#@#@@$" even their game isnt in a stage to connect a ball to bat :lol:lol:lol
Would it be too much to try and take along an HDMI splitter and stand behind the TVs?

That's something that could possibly be arranged by Ross and the EB manager. I wonder if Ross would be keen on that? If someone who had the tools and video editing knowhow did it, it'd be a superb advertisement for the game.
As an aside, I once tested a game where they'd plugged their PS3 in via composite. Fun.
Actually at one of the AFL tests in the city, not at Swanston Street but perhaps Elizabeth Street, the tv was about the size of my laptop.

Pretty sure Swanston Street has a big thing up stairs for the Nintendo games.
Sorry Angad - I didn't say you wouldn't get stuff this month - you've misunderstood me! I said you would get less than I would *otherwise* have shown.

To be clear - you will shortly have a trailer - within the next week.

Nah I apologize!! I was just expecting too much this month :(!! I truly misunderstood you!! You are the best!! And no everyone....Ross has not compelled me into saying all this (Sorry....watching too much of Vampire Diaries these days :p)!!

I am a bit disappointed that we wont get much this month!! But thats long as the game sells as much as it deserves to....I am totally in support of whatever Ross decides with the marketing campaign :Cheers!


Also Ross....I never meant that you have treated us badly or with disrespect!! I think that came across differently that what I had I apologize for that too (man...this is awkward :p)!!
And all this time I was thinking that Angad was trying hard to make Ross release some more info right now.:p
Successful? He did say there is a trailer next week. Well done Angad :thumbs
Angad you need to know from all the replies Ross has given to you that he respects you and your views, he totally did not expect frustration "especially" from you....The support for the game from all of us has been amazing and this game surely deserves that and Ross as well....:cheers:thumbs:thumbs

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