Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

So you're saying I don't have a right of reply or to defend myself. Thanks for that, I guess you'll be seeing a lot less of me on here for sure.

Glad that's been clarified by a staff member.

I have done nothing wrong and am certainly the victim of a scurrilous and unsubstantiated attack on my character. You and Dutch must be seriously taking the piss.

You deal it out but as soon as someone is a little critical you get aggressive beyond measure and suddenly we are enemies. That is uncalled for.
I dont understand what you are saying. We all know that why Ross is here in this forum. Obviously he need to promote his game, but at the same team he is involved in random chitchats with PC members also. Just like he posted recently he likes the community thats why he is here. Its true that his game has benefited by him being active here ,but at the same its helped PC also in a bigger way

Problem for many is "he not acting like a CEO of a big company". He is just being himself here. And thats how its should be in public forums

What I am saying is that Ross and Mike will both be privvy to a lot of information we are not privvy to and thus people get dragged into arguments and insinuations we cannot back up.
Dutch you know I can cop it, been there.

This is a whole different level, I am being accused of a very low act.
You deal it out but as soon as someone is a little critical you get aggressive beyond measure and suddenly we are enemies. That is uncalled for.

Dont push Ross .He might just cancel his game.:noway
What I am saying is that Ross and Mike will both be privvy to a lot of information we are not privvy to and thus people get dragged into arguments and insinuations we cannot back up.


I have no more information on this than you do, it is not a small matter as you are making it to be.
Dutch you know I can cop it, been there.

This is a whole different level, I am being accused of a very low act.

You presume you are being accussed of a very low act. You could have just issued a statement saying.....we deplore this kind of behaviour and wish to make completely clear that BA Studios had nothing to do with this. Any insinuations meant in this direction are to be deplored equally.....

Or something in that regard..... it is a shadowy fight being played out on the forums dragging uninformed people into taking sides and just feuling more agro and personal abuse in all directions.....
By not clarifying the intent he has done just that.
He has not been online since that post, which was only a bit over a day ago now.

There is literally nothing new that has happened since that first post, you've made your interpretation of what he said known - nothing further has happened.

The rest of the membership of PlanetCricket isn't in a position to make an informed judgement - so we're going around in circles - people who will agree with you on interpreting it or people who will take his post on the face of it as just wanting inappropriate phone calls to stop.

We've got enough out of this discussion as we are going to on this forum.
This is a whole different level, I am being accused of a very low act.
Ross, I think no one accused you specifically. It's just how you interpreted that post. What we, as a PC staff, mean to point out is, let's not get the people involved into this as that posts actually did not say anything about you. It just creates unnecessary confusion and people tend to speak without knowing much. We just keep coming to the same place every time. This is about the discussion of the best title ever for a cricket game (for me personally) and we should stick to it, maybe? :)

I have no more information on this than you do, it is not a small matter as you are making it to be.

Ross you really misunderstand no way am I trying to make the issue smaller than it is. What I am saying is that I do not believe that this is the way to go about it.

The forum is slowly becoming a platform of those for and against you or Mike or this or is becoming a personality clash with the forum being used as a platform for that.
I guess its best to do it the old fashioned way.....lets talk only about the two games without involving any of the individuals involved in those two games. As the saying goes in cricket....let the bat (in this case 'Game') do all the talking :cheers!!

Edit: Ross, I guess at the end of the day its all about interpretation of that post by MF. It can be interpreted in more than one ways depending on how much one knows about the history of your indirect and direct dialogs with him. But we all on this forum know and agree that you are not involved in it anyways, so best is to let it go. Maybe the mods can clean up the forum by deleting that post by MF and all related posts to it so that everything can come back on the same page (just an idea).
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