Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Yes I do have Blackberry that I once used to connect my PS3 to the internet. Not sure if Samsung does but that shouldn't be a problem. If I can only be able to transfer that would be good enough. I guess I'll use the same login to be able to transfer isn't it?
The exact details have been confirmed, but it will be something like that - I think it was mentioned that you won't be needing to publicly share all the players to get them in the game, so something will connect you with the account you have.
I've been reading this site for donkey's years and feel intimidated to post!

If you find questions repetitive just ignore it and let the staff give the link to the appropriate thread. If you are not a mod just leave it.

The insta-flaming of newbies just creates a hostile and fairly elitist atmosphere that puts even seasoned forum-readers like me off. Impatient questions mean huge enthusiasm for the title.

It is also against the "Don't attack other members" rule (includes insults such as "lazy/arrogant/clueless").

Just my opinion

BAck to topic: WHERE'Z MA GAMEPLAY VID! ;)
Ross I have a big worry about the game and my country (South Africa) in the game!

I really hope that I can win a tournament with SA!

What happens when South Africa reach a final in the game!? Do the Batsman all start to choke all of the sudden and I lose the game!

That would be very realistic! :lol
Hello planetcricket minions.

Saw this on:

Multiplat - Don Bradman Cricket 14 | Page 24 | BigFooty AFL Forum

So now that I have some time to speak after a whirlwind 2 days, I have a confession to make.

On Wednesday I started a new job at BigAnt Studio's as a Quality Assurance tester, meaning that yes, I have had hands on time with Don Bradman Cricket 14.

Because it's not my place to talk in-depth about the game and it's features, I won't say too much now.

But, from my time with the game (all up around 6-7 hours so far over 2 days), I will just say that fears of the quality of the game due to what hasn't been shown are certainly not warranted.

Animations are a lot smoother than any cricket game before, there's plenty of variety and even more to like.

I've seen bits and pieces of the trailer that will be released tomorrow and it's safe to say you will like it, even if it is just a look at the BARS. ;)

Also I am yet to see cheerleaders, so that guy from FB that was worried can buy without fear of being sent to hell.

I got a good deal of hands on time with the Academy today (my first real in-depth look at every single feature) and this is saying it from an outsiders point of view, that thing is one of the most in-depth and incredible customisation modes I've ever seen.
I wondered how long it would take for that to get over here.... "HBK" is one of the main mod's on BigFooty and now works at Big Ant Studios* - he had previously not used Cricket Academy.

* he is a Richmond supporter so I have no idea how he made it through the process...
ross i have a big worry about the game and my country (south africa) in the game!

I really hope that i can win a tournament with sa!

What happens when south africa reach a final in the game!? Do the batsman all start to choke all of the sudden and i lose the game!

That would be very realistic! :lol

also from sa, think if we make the final we should just turn of the game.........
I wondered how long it would take for that to get over here.... "HBK" is one of the main mod's on BigFooty and now works at Big Ant Studios* - he had previously not used Cricket Academy.

* he is a Richmond supporter so I have no idea how he made it through the process...

Guess they needed to restore some credibility back in the place, being one of few Melbourne teams that have actually beaten Freo at home!....
We'll be taming his Tigers on Saturday! :yes

Go Blues!!! (Yes, I know, totally off topic!)
Ross, the next cricket game you make after DBC 14, could you put Sachin Tendulkar on the cover as a way to commemorate his incredible career and achievements because he will most likely be retired by the time it's time for a new cricket game.

There's prolly a forum for that... Oh that's right... there is....

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