Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

AC2013 will sell anyway. Come the 10th July, England and Australia are going to be caught up in Ashes fever and the average joe will see a game called 'Ashes Cricket 2013' and buy it. Big Ant sounds like the game all of us on here have been waiting for. I really hope it does well. My only concern is the price. Going by AFL and RLL it could be expensive.

What was the price of those games in Indian Rupees??
Table top Cricket

quick qiestion, not sure if I missed anything, are we still getting the table top cricket? And if so on which format are we getting it in?
AC2013 will sell anyway. Come the 10th July, England and Australia are going to be caught up in Ashes fever and the average joe will see a game called 'Ashes Cricket 2013' and buy it. Big Ant sounds like the game all of us on here have been waiting for. I really hope it does well. My only concern is the price. Going by AFL and RLL it could be expensive.

lol I meant to say that it wouldnt be wise to release the game after AC13 , as this will hamper BA cricket sales because AC13 will sell any way because of the license so it would be wise to release it before AC13.
I would agree with Allrounder18. Most of the casual gamers will pickup AC13 not only it it is released before BAC (assuming) but also for the fact that it has the license for the Ashes tourney. We, the hardcore fans at Planetcricket, are a minority in the overall cricket gaming community. I doubt guys who just wants to pickup the game and play it would want to create/download players so that he could get the authentic team of his choice.
I would agree with Allrounder18. Most of the casual gamers will pickup AC13 not only it it is released before BAC (assuming) but also for the fact that it has the license for the Ashes tourney. We, the hardcore fans at Planetcricket, are a minority in the overall cricket gaming community. I doubt guys who just wants to pickup the game and play it would want to create/download players so that he could get the authentic team of his choice.

Exactly....that is where Ashes 13 wins hands down for many people....they can be KP or Watson or whoever straight out the box....for many people, perhaps most that is really important...
quick qiestion, not sure if I missed anything, are we still getting the table top cricket? And if so on which format are we getting it in?

At this point the main focus is the full game but Table Top Cricket won't be too far either! It is going to come to PSN first and later to Steam.
Yeah, for PS3/Xbox that's a decent price in India.
Ross, what would you say your favourite feature is in the game? I know you want to say all of em but what's that one feature that always puts a smile on your face?
I reckon this game is going to release around December-January to cash in on the Australian Summer & The Big Bash because of the face they might have the Big Bash license. Wouldnt make any sense to release it around AC13 because it would get overshadowed. Expect it in December-January people
I reckon this game is going to release around December-January to cash in on the Australian Summer & The Big Bash because of the face they might have the Big Bash license. Wouldnt make any sense to release it around AC13 because it would get overshadowed. Expect it in December-January people

The game is pretty much ready to go, why wait 8 months after releasing cricket academy when the place is buzzing? :P
I agree. It doesn't make sense to create buzz by releasing Cricket Academy and then do nothing for 8 months especially as there is no demo.
I reckon this game is going to release around December-January to cash in on the Australian Summer & The Big Bash because of the face they might have the Big Bash license. Wouldnt make any sense to release it around AC13 because it would get overshadowed. Expect it in December-January people

This will only p**s off most people than anything. Do you see how Chief is bombarded daily on trailers/videos/podcasts etc. and slated for not sharing more info even though the game is gonna release in June :lol Can you imagine what's gonna happen if Ross says the game's gonna release in Dec :D

The buzz Big Ant created with their Cricket Academy campaign (yup, I believe it's a marketing campaign for their game targeting end users via social media) will only last so long. Given this game is a self published title I don't think Big Ant will have either the appetite or the funding to go through another round of promotional marketing, especially since they wouldn't be able to leverage Cricket Academy that time.

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