Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Based on some posts on the other forum, I think Ross believes Ashes Cricket is not going to hit the 21st June release date. And Big-Ant's release should also fall some time in July I guess.

Ross was kidding and don't think he really meant it.

I agree. Chief has already said that the game is being finalised and they have received PEGI clearance. I am sure the game will release on that day.
Ross was kidding and don't think he really meant it.

Nah. I have seen him hint that multiple times. I could be wrong, but feels that way :)

Edit: Chief did mention that their game is not yet submitted for approvals. God forbid if the platforms holder come back with a bug, it will lead to a delay.
Nah. I have seen him hint that multiple times. I could be wrong, but feels that way :)

The point Ross was trying to make was that in gaming industry "seeing is believing" and the game releases when it release (hits the shelf). That was Ross' rationale for not disclosing the release date for Big Ant game until the game gets platform approval. He didn't really mean anything about the Ashes game other than saying he will believe it when he sees it. That was my take and I could be wrong.
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If you follow the conversation through the thread, it was a tongue in cheek comment to the effect "seeing is believing". In nutshell "I will believe it when I see it" and I wouldn't read more into it. But again that's my interpretation.
Line of the ball is controlled by the left stick and length will be controlled by the release mechanism (could be right stick). If you release it late the ball will be fuller and if you release it early the ball will tend to be shorter. This line & length mechanism is all you need to replace the bowling marker I believe.

Dont u mean the opposite? Surely releasing it late will mean shorter and releasing it early will be fuller...right?
Dont u mean the opposite? Surely releasing it late will mean shorter and releasing it early will be fuller...right?

My mistake. Yup, you are right and that's how it should work.
Well it's only Summer 2013 in December for the Southern Hemisphere; and based on the other release date post being clung to - the xx/0x/2013 only rules out months that aren't Summer in either hemisphere, as well as December. So in effect he's either told us nothing, or that we shouldn't have overthought the other post...

Mind you, quick conspiracy theory time - perhaps 0x is just referring to the hexadecimal prefix. Convert 2013 to decimal and you get 8211. Because it's 2013, the 11 is obviously going to throw you off. So you could ignore it and assume a US date format meaning 2nd August 2013; or you could split the 8 from the 211, consider that as being 2+11 or 13, giving you 8/13, or August! Which is in Summer in the UK.


Ross has updated the official website with release date as summer 2013, now that should confirm it to be Australian summer plus it does not make much sense to release the game a few days or weeks after 505 Ashes. Ross is also set to announce a game other than the Cricket title at E3 so I think the game is going to come out after the second Ashes series begins. Thanks sir. :)

Cricket for current generation consoles will be released this Summer 2013
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I agree. Chief has already said that the game is being finalised and they have received PEGI clearance. I am sure the game will release on that day.

Partly tongue in cheek, but partly... based on form.

PEGI is available as soon as you have indicative content.... I have had PEGI and ESRB ratings for games a year ahead of release with less than 20% completion of the game. Ratings can be done by sending a video of the gameplay.

Not sure if it is public information but 2009 IC was late by an entire Ashes - it was meant to come out the Ashes series prior :eek: (poor Codemasters :( ). Now I am not for a minute suggesting that the other game will be that late, I have no idea how late it will be :p

Anyway, back to our game - there is nothing clear other than that we will be out later this year, 2013.
Partly tongue in cheek, but partly... based on form.

PEGI is available as soon as you have indicative content.... I have had PEGI and ESRB ratings for games a year ahead of release with less than 20% completion of the game. Ratings can be done by sending a video of the gameplay.

Not sure if it is public information but 2009 IC was late by an entire Ashes - it was meant to come out the Ashes series prior :eek: (poor Codemasters :( ). Now I am not for a minute suggesting that the other game will be that late, I have no idea how late it will be :p

Anyway, back to our game - there is nothing clear other than that we will be out later this year, 2013.

But you sure are suggesting that the game will most likely be late :(
Agreed, especially when people lay down their hard earned on pre-orders based on that date.
Well giving hard release dates is a balancing act. Obviously you don't want to do it and not deliver on the said date, but at the same time you don't want to be too cautious and have the game ready to be released but now have to delay the release just because you were holding back on communicating the release date till the very end.

There will always be some risk involved but I guess one has to factor in how much risk is acceptable.
He's suggesting that giving hard release dates can backfire.

Well they can afford to be delayed with two back to back Ashes series this year I guess. Perhaps 505 themselves expect the game to be delayed and therefore are holding back on releasing the screenshots, videos etc.
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In Australia there are Trade Practices and Consumer Law considerations. Taking preorder money after you know you are late is false and misleading conduct. Not sure how it works in Europe.

All I want to know is how late it will be so I can organise my date :p

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